Chapter 7

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Hattie's POV

I woke up to a knocking at my door. I groggily pried my eyes open, only to shut them again as blinding light flashed into them. Blinking quickly to adjust the light I call for them to come in and a chirpy Louis walks in.

"Hey Hattie! How ya feeling?" he asked, sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Pretty good. A bit sore though.." I trailed rubbing my ribs.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, snapping his fingers. He mumbled 'be right back' and ran out the room. Slightly confused at his actions I shook my head and turned so my legs could hang off the bed. I groaned as my ribs throbbed painfully at the movement.

Just then Louis walked back in holding two cups. One small one that people use for mouthwash, and a bigger one for drinking.

"Here you are madam." he said very posh like, making me giggle. "That's why I came up here but completely forgot to bring it in here with me." he says sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. I laughed and shook my head.

"No worries. I do stuff like that all the time!" I reasoned. He laughed and mumbled a 'yeah', then sat back down. I popped the two pills in my mouth and drank the water to swallow them. I sat the cups on my nightstand and turned back to Louis.

"Lou, would you mind helping me up? I want to shower." I asked, holding out my hand. He nodded and got up and stood in front of me and slowly brought me to my feet. "Thanks." I said walking to the wadrobe for some clothes.

"Uh. Do you know...need help?" he asked looking at his feet, cheeks crimson. I laughed softly before turning back to the wadrobe.

"No, I think I got it. Thanks though." I shot him a smile and he nodded. "I-I guess I'll leave now." he said before turning and briskly existing the room. I shook my head and laughed a bit, he is too adorable for his own good.

In the wadrobe I could see Harry left a lot of his clothes in there. He probably forgot these, I thought to myself before gathering my own clothes and walking, more like hobbling, to the bathroom and shutting the door.

I stripped myself of my PJ's, with much difficulty. After I finally got everything off, I walked to the full body mirror and examined myself. The brusies on my legs were healing pretty quickly. The bruises around my rib area were still very prominant, they were a deep purple and black. They looked hideous. You couldn't see my scars on my stomach at all, but you could very well see the ones on my legs. The bruises on my arms were pretty much nonexsistant. The swelling in my face went down and the bruises are healing wonderfully. I no longer look like a plum! I still looked pretty bad though.

Tearing my gaze from the mirror I turn to the shower which is gigantic by the way! I turn on the hot water and as I wait for it to heat up, I grab a towel from the closet in there and put it on the counter. I look back at the shower and see steam coming out, letting me know it's hot enough.

I slid the door open and stepped up into the shower, whining in pain as I did so. I let the hot water hit my body, relaxing my muscles and easing some pain in my ribs. I was careful when I washed around my rib area so I wouldn't cause myself any more pain. But when i got to my legs and had to bend over, it hurt like hell! I yelped when first bent over carelessly, then I just eased down which helped a lot.

When I was done I opened the sliding door and stepped out. When I reached for my towel, I lost my footing and began to fall. I reached out for anything to grab onto, but there was nothing. All too soon, I tumbled down landed right on my side. I screamed out in pain, clutching my sides for dear life. The pain was unbareable and I couldn't take it. I began to sob and the pain in my side showed no sign of letting up. Black dots began to form in my vision before complete blackness took over.

Liam's POV

Louis came clombering down the stairs red as a tomato. The sight was quite hilarious.

"You alright mate? What's got you blushing like a school girl?" Harry asked clasping his shoulder when he sat down. Louis seemed to blush a deeper red, if that's even possible.

Niall walked in before he could say anything "Did you give Hattie her medicine?" he asked. Louis nodded. Me and Harry shared a look before I spoke.

"Did you just come from her room?" I asked. He looked down to his feet and nodded shyly. I chuckled softly and shook my head.

"Is someone growing a crush?" I said mockingly.

"Shut up Liam!" Louis yelled and through a pillow from the couch at me. I caught it with ease and laughed. Niall joined in with my laughter and ran in the kitchen yelling for Zayn. " ZAYN! LOU HAS A CRUSH ON HATTIE!" Zayn laughter flowed from the kitchen causing Louis put his head in his hands and sigh. I turned to look at Harry to see he wasn't laughing. He looked...annoyed?

"Haz? You alright?" I asked. His opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a loud thud, followed but a blood curtling scream. We all jumped up and ran for the stairs. Some how I was in front of everyone, taking two steps at a time. When we reached her door I opened it to be met with nothing. Before I could ask, Louis spoke up.

"Bathroom. She took a shower." he said. I didn't waste anytime and ran over to the bathroom and flung the door open. Hattie lie there motionless and completely nude. I grabbed the towel from the counter and wrapped her up with it and carried her to the bed.

"Is she alright?" Harry asked frantically by my side.

"I don't know." I mumbled. I pulled the covers up to cover her lower half and pulled the towel up so it was covering her breast, but leaving her stomach exposed. I prodded her ribs checking for any broken bones and thankfully there were none.

"It seems she must have slipped and fell and landed on her side. Nothing too, too serious to where we would have to take her back to the hospital though." I said to them. They all seemed to breathe a breath of relief.

"Oh thank god!" Harry said and walked over to kiss her on the forehead. He whispered something in her ear that I couldn't quite catch and pulled away. Louis gave him a weird look before walking over to kiss her cheek, causing Harry to roll his eyes at him. I narrowed my eyes at the two. I have a feeling that Harry too has a crush on Hattie, but I don't know, I'm no psychic. We all exited her room and headed back downstairs, keeping our ears open for any signs of distress from upstairs.


Okay. 1) sorry for a super late upload. A ton of cray stuff has been going on, and on top of school is pretty damn cray! and 2) my laptop is acting stupid and my mom won't take me to get it fixed :( So I have to write on my tablet...which means the chapters won't be edited. I read through them but I could miss some..

comment/vote/fan :D

Sorry again guys :/



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