Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

1 week later

Saying everyday for the past week has been horrible, is an understatement. Trevor has literally beat the shit out of me everyday, because he's still stuck on the thought of me cheating on him with Harry. I think it's safe to say, I've blacked out in every room of this flat, from the kitchen, to the living room, to our and bedroom, and to the bathroom. It's sad really. Some days I would muster up enough strength and courage to text Harry and Sammi, since they've been blowing up my phone with texts and calls. Though I never answer their calls because I lost my voice from screaming and on top of that my face is super swollen and I'm sure if I even tried talking it would sound like a bunch of gibberish. I looked like crap too, my face is an exact replica of a plum.

I'm currently laying on the couch with a semi-frozen steak on my face, while I refreeze the peas. My phone keeps beeping with texts from Sammi and Harry, asking me to come over. Even though I keep declining, they keep suggesting it.

The front door swung open, revealing an already fuming Trevor. I quickly shoved my phone between the cushions, but I was too slow, he already saw.

"What the hell? I thought I told you not to talk to him!" he yelled and stomped over to me. He yanked me up by hair, earning a yelp from me, due to the sudden pain.

"I-I wasn't talking to him! I was talking t-to Sammi!" I stuttered, squirming around to get him to loosen his grip.

"Fine then. How about I see for myself, yeah?" he said and let go of my hair. Before I could even be happy about it, my head slammed into the coffee table. I winced and everything went black for second. When my vision came back, it was blurry so I blinked repetitively to clear it up. When it did, I saw a fist coming at my face too fast for me to react. My head collided with the coffee table once again. I felt dizzy, like the room was spinning. I clamped my eyes shut, in hopes it would make it go away.

"You fucking liar!" he yelled. I felt my hair being fisted and tugged roughly, causing my eyes to fly open. This really wasn't helping my head. He began dragging me down the hall. I started kicking my legs and flinging my arms about, in a desperate attempt to get away. He stopped dragging me and walked in front of me. He brought his heavy foot down onto my thigh twice and did it to the other one too, causing me to scream out in pain which sounded a bit strangled due to my lost of voice.

"Stop kicking!" he yelled before continuing on to our bedroom. He yanked me harshly into the room, causing my head crash into the doorframe, successfully knocking me into blackness.

When I came to, I was on my bed, naked. I started to freak out. Holy crap, Did he just rape me? I didn't feel any pain though, so I don't think he did. I sat up, which I highly regret doing as a new wave of pain shot through my head, causing me to wince and flop back down. Just then the bathroom door opened, revealing a very naked Trevor. I began to freak out again and what he said next wasn't really helping.

"Oh! You're up. Good, we can enjoy this together." he spoke with a sickly sweet smile.

"You're insane!" I yelled and sat up trying to get out of bed.

"Oh no you don't" he jerked me back onto the bed.

"Get off my you psycho!" I yelled and struggled to get him off me. He shook his head and smirked down at me. He then gathered both my wrist into one of his hands and placed them above my head, then situated himself in-between my legs and sent me a smirk.

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