Things Go Really Wrong

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We finally were able to get out of the house by slipping down the railing. Of course, I had to help the rest down. I said, "I'm not done with this house." I started to walk back into the house. They all tried to stop me from going back to the house. I wasn't listening, I walked straight back into the house. I opened the door and saw all our guy friends standing there laughing. When I opened the door they all turned around shocked. "Dee, how are you?" Clay said. "I can't believe yall!!" I said furiously. All the girls walked in behind me, looking down at the ground. "Y'all are the ones who threw me against the wall, huh, how could you." I shook my head. "WOW!!" I said out loud and started for the door. It slammed in my face. "Okay y'all the jokes over, STOP!!" I screamed. "We didn't do it," they said. I could tell they were telling the truth this time. They all looked scared to death. I walked over to the door. "It's probably just the wind," I said a little hesitant before walking to the door. I touched the doorknob and jumped back with a yelp. "Dee are you okay?" All my friends (or the little two face traders that had hurt me a little bit ago) ran to my side. "The doorknob feels like it's on fire!" I yelled still holding my hand. Will grabbed my hand and looked at it, sure enough, my hand looked like it was burnt. The guys started beating on the door trying to break it open without getting hurt, but it was no use. We were trapped inside the house. "Maybe there is another way out." someone yelled so we all started looking for a way out. After about 20 minutes with no other way out we all met in the living room. I stood by the door still furious. "Dee sits down, we will find a way out, we just need to stay together." Clay said. I had heard enough I stomped out of the room slamming the door shut. Will and Fi tried to run after me, but the door was glued shut. They were yelling and beating on the door. I ignored them and continued through the house. It was really really dark inside, then I heard someone or something call my name. I looked around, but couldn't see a thing. "Hello, who is there??" I said frantically. "Dee you must get out of here before the clock strikes again. Let me take care of those two-faced friends of yours." the mysterious voice said. "No way I might be mad, but I won't just let you hurt them," I said and said am I hearing things or talking to the house. "Fine stay and you will burn with them." after the voice said this I heard some side whispering. 'no I won't spare her.' 'you can't do this stop' they were fussing but who were they. "How do you know me?? Look I'll do anything just let my friends go!!" I screamed. "No Dee you can't do that get out of here!!" A new voice screamed. "Who are you!!??" I screamed back but there was no answer. Whoever it was is gone. All of the sudden the floor started to shake. I screamed at the movement and ran back to the living room. I could hear them screaming from the inside. I tried to open the door but with no luck, I started beating on the door. NO LUCK. I looked around for something to break down the door finally I found an old ax in one of the rooms. I yelled for them to back away from the door and began hitting the door with the ax. Finally, I made a big enough hole for them to climb through. They all got out safe and secure. Then Will realizes "Where's Dee??!!" They all look around for me.

Meanwhile inside.....
"You shouldn't have done that Dee!!" A voice boomed, "You won't make it out alive!!" I saw a ball of fire heading straight for me. I screamed as I tried moving out the way, but everything goes black.

Two weeks go by....
I wake up in a strange place. I try to move, but I feel so stiff. "Dee!!" I hear voices screaming. I finally open my eyes to see all my friends standing around me. "Where... am.... I.....?" I say it took me awhile to say it. I feel so tired and weak. Then a doctor walks in "Is she awake?" He said. "Yes!!" They all yell. "Well, Dee how do you feel?" The doctor asked. "Weak..." I said. "That understandable considering what you went through," he said I looked at him. "That's the thing what happened.... I don't remember anything....." I said gaining a little more strength. "Well, we were hoping you could tell us. I have to go, but call me if you remember anything," he said walking out the room. Shortly after I fell asleep. I had horrible dreams. When I woke up tho it all came to me I knew exactly what happened but only until I blacked out. they called the doctor in and we told him everything. "Well looks like you all need to be checked out?" He said they nodded. They all got checked out and they were fine. "Doc, who brought me here?" I asked. "Well......" He said.

You will see in the next chapter for now take a guess!!!!!

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