Same Old

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The next day Jake meet me at the house in the morning.......

Dee's POV...

"Hey Jake," I said with a huge smile, "What you want to do today?" He smiled and hugged me and said, "Well I don't know babe." I smiled and thought about it for a minute. "How about we go to the movies or shopping?" He looked very uncertain about what I had just said before saying. "I don't know about that no one has ever seen us together.... No one has ever seen me..." I looked sad and was tearing up because I know he was still hurt about the whole situation. "I know that but bæ it will be fun and they need to meet you. You are amazingly perfect and sweet. Please go with me?" I said and looked down. He picked my head up and smiled at me and said in the sweetest tone ever, "Come on babe, let's go, what are we waiting for?" I smiled and jumped in his arms hugging him tightly then I got down and we walked down to the end of the street. "What's wrong?" I said seeing that he was a little uneasy still. Of course, he said 'nothing' but I wasn't going to take another step. "If you don't want to then we aren't going," I said and stopped walking. "Babe lets go. You want to go." I shook my head and stood still. "It's just I haven't been to town in a while, well not here I haven't. I want to go. So I can move on from my past like you have helped me too." I smiled but still didn't take another step. "If you don't move then.." He stopped talking and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and continued to walk. I squealed, squirmed a little and giggled before saying "Okay bæ. Let's go." He sat me down and said "Good." Before smiling and putting his arm around me. When we finally got back into town we went to the ice cream shop. Then we decided to walk around town and window shop.

About 3 pm in the afternoon...

We turned the corner and there were some of my friends. "Oh, crap." I said and he asked "What??" Then looked at me. "Those are the friends I was with the night in the house when I got hurt." He looked a little mad. "They are the ones who hurt you!!" He said kinda of in a yell. I tried to get him to calm down, but it didn't work very much. He was still very angry. I finally got him to calm down and to meet them. They had all been there and regretted what they had done. We walked over there to them. "Hey guys," I said as we reached them. They all turned around and their jaws dropped as they saw me and Jake. They all just stood there for a few minutes and the Mag's said, "Ummm... Dee who is that?" I smiled and said everyone "I would like you to meet Jake, my rescuer, he is so amazing!!" I said happy and smiling like crazy. "Babe now don't try to embarrass me already." He did a slight giggle and kissed my cheek. Basically signaling to the other guys I was his since he had seen me go over to Will and Clay's house once before. Fi looked at me and said "Babe?" They all looked at us and I held Jake close and said, "Yes, my love!!" They all smiled and said, "So you are the reason for our Dee smiling and bouncing around happily for the pasted few days?" We nodded yes and Will walked up and shook Jakes' hand and said, "Well I would like to thank you for saving her that night. We were dreadful wrong for what we were done." He nodded and shook back. "Well if y'all hadn't I might have never met her!" He said smiling at me. Later they invited us to go eat with them. We accepted and we all went to Olive Garden to eat. I had always noticed that Fi had a think for any guy I was ever with so I was consistently looking her way. She would realize and turn away. I swear if she does what she has done in the past and I lose Jake. Let's just say things won't go well in her favor.

After we eat and went our separate ways........

Jake, of course, walked me home and we talked all the way there. I decided to not say anything about Fi just yet. I walked and listened to Jake tell me about when he was younger and I loved to listen to him. We made it to my house and I asked him to come in but he just shook his head no. "Babe my parents will love you. I know they will." He just leaned down to me and kissed me. I didn't want the kiss to stop when it finally did tho. He said, "Babe just not right now please?" I looked at him, "Okay babe. Where will you stay tonight?" I asked worrying. "The hotel about two blocks away babe. I asked the man there could I live there, in turn, I would do work for him. He said yes. I won't be far away babe. I promise." He kissed me once more before we said our last good nights and he walked away. I sat on the porch a few minutes before going inside and off to shower then off to my bed to read a little and go to sleep.

Three months later........

We haven't seen terrible to much of each other. He came over at night and we hung out for a little while. Maybe a small lunch ever now and then. Usually, he was working, but for the first month I would go and see him and spend the day with him. Last month he started saying I couldn't stay there while he worked. Weird because the boss had never said a thing one day I decided to surprise him with a lunch and maybe we could cuddle and hang out for a little while. When I got to where he was at.......

I walked up to the front counter and asked was he in his room or working. They said in his room I thought it was odd. He had bought an iPhone and would usually call or text me on his break. I saw the boss walk by and he said, "Well Dee I thought y'all two had broken up?" I gave him a huh look before shaking my head no and walking to his room. I went to the door and knocked. I heard the voice of a girl saying, "One second please?!" I was furious at this point I could almost bet on who that was!! The door opened and it was Jake when he saw me he looked upset. I shook my head and pushed by him. "What the hell is this??!! This is why we haven't been spending time together? Why you said I couldn't come while you were working? Why you haven't talked to me? Why your boss said that he thought we had broken up???!!!......" I was on the verge of tears my voice now cracking. I just threw the things I had brought at him and left the room in a hurry. He tried to stop me by holding my arm and saying "Let me explain!..." I broke away from him and yelled at him to "Go Away!!!!!" I walked out of the hotel and burst into tears. I did not want to go home so I didn't.

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