I Got The Past......

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Three weeks later....

After I ran away from Jake and Nate, I keep driving till I was out of gas and didn't have much money. So then I ran until I was unable to take another step. I found an old abandoned cabin and decide to stop and rest. The next morning when I woke up I looked in my jacket pockets to see if I had any money all that was left was $10 I left my phone and purse and everything at the hangout the day I left. I walked out of the cabin and went into the town. I found out that I was apparently 100 miles away from home.

When I was running I got pretty tired and collapsed on the side of the road. A family stopped and took me to the nearby town. After I ate and was ready to go again I asked them to take me as far as they could. They were going on a trip anyway and didn't mind. They went about sixty miles away till they stopped. They asked did I want to stay but I said "No and thanks for all they had done for me." I had only made it about twenty miles away before I collapsed because I hadn't drunk or ate in about two days. Soon I ran into some other people and they told me the quickest way was to get on this bus and get away. I ran out of change and refused to use my last ten dollars. They threw me off the bus and these men were there in the alleyway. As soon as the bus left they tried to jump me but I ran away and I have been running since. I was starting to miss Jake and Nate, but I just couldn't go back. I was sick and tired of being hurt.

Back to NOW

Now I was in a town that looked almost dead but there was still a small store. I walked in and got some food and drink and some new clothes. I went back to that cabin and took a shower. After I got out of the shower I was sitting on the back porch eating when I heard the front door open then a girl scream. I slipped in the back door and saw these guys fighting and a girl screaming while being held back by another guy. I had no idea what to do. I had no phone, no weapon, no idea where a police station was, had not seen a landline, and had no way to help. The guys fighting weren't paying much attention so I walked up behind the other dude. Knocking him over the head with a frying pan I happened to find in the cabinet. I grabbed the girl and pulled her out of the house. We ran to the police station and brought them back. The bad guys were trying to run and left the girls boyfriend on the ground. They took the good people to the hospital and the others to jail. I road to the hospital with the girl who had begged me not to leave. When we got to the hospital they asked me questions and I answered as best as I could. Before they found out I was a run away I left even though the girl tried to stop me saying her boyfriend would want to meet me. I told her what was going on and gave her my number asking her not to tell anyone where I had gone and if I didn't answer I hadn't got my phone back yet but I would try to check up as soon as possible. I ran after a police officer tried to stop me. I made it to the next town by morning and was walking around in the woods. Soon I stepped upon some shady looking dudes. They were pretty much all clothed in black and had their hoods pulled up. I tried to just back away quietly but there was a branch a few steps behind me. They heard me and the guy who I guessed was the leader sent two others to see what the noise was. I hid, but not too good away from them. They grabbed me, but I was not going without a fight. They were about 10 times stronger than me, but I still kicked and wiggled as much as I could as they drag me to their boss. The boss yelled for me to stop moving, of course, me being me I did not listen which caused me to get slapped. I stopped and held my face with my hand. Then they dropped me to the ground. I tried to get up and run, but they just grabbed me by the foot. They drug me into an old abandoned shack...... THEN EVERYTHING GOES BLACK............


P.S. If you didn't notice I changed Jacob's name to Nate. There were too many names that started with J. Sorry guys!!!

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