Chapter Eight- Try

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As a transfer it's hard to fit in to begin with. As a Stiff it's evan harder, but try being the legendary Stiff that has just beet the snot out of a boy the probably out ways her by at least fifty pounds.
I gained stares and funny looks everywhere I went. People didn't even act like they weren't looking at me. They just openly pointed and stared! How rude.
Christina, Will, Al and I were running around the Pit, Christina on Will's back and me on Al's. It wasn't very safe, but we were Dauntless. When did we ever do anything safe?
"Guys, we should get tattoos." Christina suggested. It was an idea that was made on a whim, but it seemed to be a good idea. "Sure!" I said.
Will and Al raced towards the tattoo shop, pushing and shoving one another in attempt to through the other off. Christina and I walked together at a normal pace before she pointed something out to me.
"Hey Tris, look over there." Christina pointed to the bar that was a few doors down from the tattoo place. "What?" I said.
Christina turned my head and pointed to the isle between two parts of the wall beside the bar, and standing there, was no other than Four.
"Why should I care?" I whisper to her.
Christina rolled her eyes and looked at me like I was stupid. "He obviously likes you." She said.
I rolled my eyes and walked faster towards the tattoo parlour.
"Tris!" Four called to me. "Wait!"
He caught up to us and grabbed my arm, swinging me around. He wobbled on his feet and took a second to regain his balance, showing that he may have had a couple two many beers.
"Tris." He said.
"What?" I ask roughly.
"You... You look good." He says, looking me up and down.
"Anything else you want to say before I slap you?"
He ponders this for a second, looking as if he's in deep thought. "You fight good." He says with a nod.
I looked at him like he's stupid, but I guess I had to blame the alcohol.
"Thank you, but now you should go home and rest." I say dusting off his shoulder.
"Be safe Four." I say, before walking off to the tattoo parlour.

Inside the tattoo parlour Christina was looking at a flower pattern that would twist up her back. Will and Al were flipping through a book of flames and bombs. I on the other hand, already knew what I want. I sat in the chair and waited for someone to come out.
A woman came out and sat beside me. "What would you like?" She asked. I point to a picture on the wall and she gets to work. Thirty minutes later she finished and heals a mirror in front of me. Three perfect birds looking like the were taking flight were lined up on my collar bone.
"I love it, thank you." I say. She nods in reply and walks off to help the next costumer.
"Tris that looks great!" Christina says running up to me.
"Thanks, yours looks good too."
She had a flower vine twisted around her four arm, it looked pretty good.
"How about we go get some dinner?" Al suggests. "Bout time! My stomach is about to cave in on it's self!" Will complained.
"Race ya!" I yelled and ran past them. "The last one there misses out on Dauntless cake!"

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