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Kim Hongjoong starts his days alone. Gets out of bed, does his morning routine, then goes to the elementary school ten minutes from his apartment all on his own. He runs through the monotonous and unending routine of teaching classes and watching the children on his own, sometimes stopped by another teacher in the hallway for a small chat but they never last long. Afternoons see Hongjoong watching the kids leave the school and staying in the classroom for an extra two or so hours for the one student who doesn't get picked up until far later than usual. Then he heads home alone and concludes his day in the all too small apartment that is perfect for someone like him. "Someone like him" being a person who doesn't need a lot to live happily or a lot to take care of himself. He has friends and family, people around him that he talks to on a daily basis, but there's always something lacking and a certain feeling that nags at his heart when he sees parents with their children or couples in the street or his two best friends fawning over each other because they couldn't be more in love.

And so, Kim Hongjoong starts his days alone and ends them lonely.

"Akemi darling, did your father say when he's coming to pick you up?" Hongjoong squats down to be eye level with the little girl, bringing a hand to brush over her jet black hair and comb through the slight frizz in it. She shifts to grin at him, crooked little teeth gleaming like pearls in the yellow sunlight.

"Daddy said he'd be late again today!" She speaks with such enthusiasm and brightness, as though without a care in the world, and Hongjoong half-wishes he could hold the same optimism that all his students have. Akemi always has had this attitude about her — a never-ending joy to her disposition that Hongjoong can't place. One would think that the little girl would at least be bothered by the fact that her dad can't seem to pick her up on time no matter what. However, she just skips around the classroom once all the other first graders have left and waits patiently as Hongjoong conducts his afterschool work. Then roughly around five o'clock – a little over two hours after school finishes for the day – a tall, young man who can't possibly be much older than Hongjoong (if older at all) rushes through the hallways and raps at Hongjoong's classroom door to pick her up.

Jeong Yunho. A strangely Korean name for someone whose daughter bears a Japanese one, but Hongjoong assumes that's on account of Akemi's mother and the fact that they live in Kyoto. Speaking of the girl's mother, Hongjoong has never seen the woman before. She has never come to pick Akemi up from school, never come to school functions, parent-teacher meetings (not that Hongjoong has ever had to have one with Akemi's parents since she's his best student), and he has never heard any mention of her in the slightest. He has Yunho's contact information and nothing else, so — and it's not any of Hongjoong's business honestly, just a thought that nags at the edges of his mind — he can only assume that Yunho is a single father.

That thought is the only reason why Hongjoong even considers staying so late after hours to look after the girl. That along with the fact that every single time Jeong Yunho comes bursting into his classroom, the man looks like he has run three marathons in a row and has no time to remember to put his ass on in the morning. (He never forgets to though. Hongjoong has checked. On occasion. Discreetly, of course, he can't very well ogle his student's father in plain daylight.)

But in any case, the man seems to have a hard enough life, so Hongjoong doesn't mind looking after Akemi. It's not like he has anything else to do with his life outside of the elementary school; all he does is go home, do some planning for future classes, maybe watch some television or read a book, then go to sleep. On weekends, Hongjoong might get daring enough to go to the bar with his friends Wooyoung and San, but recently that has been nigh impossible since he can't bear to see them fawn over each other for more than ten minutes. He only has himself to blame for that at the end of the day. He was the one who introduced the pair and set them up on a date together, so yes, mistakes were made, Hongjoong admits it, and he regrets it only half-heartedly because they are genuinely happy together.

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