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Hongjoong arrives outside Yunho's door on Christmas day with a knot in his stomach that won't go away. It's not a bad sort of knot – at least he thinks it isn't – but it is one that leaves him a bit nervous. The butterfly necklace Yunho gifted him still sits around his neck, not taken off once since Yunho gifted it to him, and the bag of gifts in his hands feels heavier than usual. He and Yunho have spoken since that night, but Hongjoong hasn't come over again nor have they discussed what the events of that night entail for them moving forward. It would taste a lie on his lips if Hongjoong tried to say that he hasn't been thinking about kissing Yunho every day since.

"Mr. Hong! You're here! Mr. Hong is here, Daddy!" The door swings open to reveal Akemi, all dolled up in a precious little plaid dress with small butterfly clips in her hair, and Hongjoong's nerves melt away at the sight of her bright smile. Then Yunho steps into view, much less dolled up and more looking like he just rolled out of bed five minutes ago, but Hongjoong can't say that he doesn't look damn good as it is. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thinks about the possibility of waking up to a Yunho with bedhead and flushed cheeks.

"Can you take the gifts in for him, Mimi?" Yunho asks, running a hand through Akemi's hair. She beams back at him and takes the bag in Hongjoong's hands away without complaint, which leaves Hongjoong suddenly very empty-handed and alone before Yunho. "Hi friend."

Friend? Hongjoong cocks his head to the side.

"That's what you said the first time I tried to kiss you," Yunho explains upon seeing Hongjoong's confusion.

"Hi friend," Hongjoong replies through a stretched grin. The sight of Yunho before him is making him feel a bit bold, maybe too reckless, but he rolls with it and stretches up on his tiptoes to place a small kiss on the corner of Yunho's mouth. "Merry Christmas."

"We're not even under the mistletoe yet."

Hongjoong squints and looks off to the side, pretending to think the words through, then breaks into a broad smile.

"Need an excuse to kiss me then?"

"Never," Yunho murmurs before dipping in to give Hongjoong a proper kiss on the lips, and it's everything he could have wanted and more. Everything about Yunho feels safe and warm, like something Hongjoong never wants to let go of, and thankfully Yunho seems to think the same of him as his lips chase after Hongjoong's when the shorter man pulls away.

"Daddy! Mr. Hong will get cold if you don't let him in!"

"Yeah, Yunho! Do you want me to get all cold out here?" Hongjoong teases, stepping around Yunho to properly greet Akemi inside.

"I had to wake Daddy up because he was trying to sleep in this morning," the little girl explains when Hongjoong squats down to be eye level with her.

"Did you? Shame on him! He should know to be up early for Christmas morning!"

"He should! He said he stayed up late, so I think he was trying to spy on Santa."

"Spy on Santa? My goodness, Yunho, you are causing trouble left and right."

"Yes, well, Santa and I had to meet up during the night. I had to ask him for one more gift."

"He didn't leave any other gifts on the fireplace though, Daddy!" Akemi protests, motioning to the hearth behind her. Yunho blinks at the spot for a moment then turns to look down at Hongjoong with a smile.

"He brought my gift to the door this morning it seems."

Hongjoong releases a scoff to hide his embarrassment and reaches over to swat at Yunho's stupidly long legs.

"You're disgusting!"

"Yeah, Daddy! Ew! Don't say icky things!" Akemi scrunches up her nose and feigns disgust although Hongjoong isn't sure she can even understand what Yunho means by his comment, so she might just be playing along with Hongjoong's show of disgust. Yunho shakes his head a little but relents in his grossly cheesy comments to say something else.

"Mimi, honey, can you run upstairs for a moment? Daddy wants to talk to Mr. Hong in private for a little bit, then when we're done, we can open up all the presents!"

"Okay, Daddy! Can I play with my dolls while I wait?"

"Of course, baby, go ahead. Run, run! We won't be long, I promise!" Yunho shoos the little girl off, watching her bound up the stairs with nothing but fondness in his eyes, and he continues to stare after her even after Hongjoong pushes himself to his feet.

"Talk in private?" Hongjoong asks.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I was going to wait until after gifts and such but... you decided to kiss me right off the bat, and I knew I wouldn't be able to focus after that."

"Are you saying that I'm distracting, Mr. Jeong?"

"In more ways than one, absolutely." Yunho draws his lips into a tight purse then presses them into a thin line in the same motion. "What do you want us to be, Hongjoong?"

That's... not the question Hongjoong was expecting.

"I'm content with it being up to you," he whispers in response.

"If – so if I asked for us to be exclusive, what would you say?" Hongjoong's heart leaps in his chest.

"Say the word and I'm yours, Yunho."

"Well, you can't say things like that. I'll lose all my inhibitions before noon," Yunho chuckles, dipping his head to his chest. Hongjoong takes a step closer to him and closes a bit of the distance between their bodies. He lifts a hand in a sudden bout of confidence and cups Yunho's cheek.

"I want to be yours and only yours. Even if I'm scared of the future and what it holds, I don't want to lose what we have or what we could have. So if you would have me, I will gladly be yours for as long as you want me."

"And if I happen to want you forever?"

"Then you're stuck with me," Hongjoong murmurs. The undisclosed promises in those words sting a bit, memories of the past threatening to resurface until Yunho chases them away with his next words.

"Do you – do you want me as well?"

"I want you," he whispers while the confidence still lasts. He delivers a quick kiss to the tip of Yunho's nose. "I like you—" another to his right cheek "—I need you—" one where his thumb ends and Yunho's skin begins "—and I'm madly in love with you, Jeong Yunho."

It's good that Hongjoong has nothing else to say because Yunho cuts off his air, lips smashing hard against his with an almost bruising force, and Hongjoong could almost cry because of all the emotions built up in his chest. He scrambles to wrap his arms around Yunho's neck as the other man deepens the kiss. His back curls hard to press himself fully against Yunho. There's a certain kind of desperation in his body, one that just makes him want to pull Yunho closer and kiss him for hours on end. Even if it's not their first kiss or their last, Hongjoong cherishes it nonetheless. They only pull apart when every ounce of air has left their bodies and they're on the verge of blacking out. Yunho gasps for air, huffing in deep breaths stolen from Hongjoong's exhales, and it's too close, too intimate, too everything. Hongjoong doesn't want it to stop even for a second.

"Good because I'm in love with you too, Hongjoong. And I plan to continue loving you for as long as I can."

He would like to think that there are unspoken promises in those words as well, ones that only the two of them know, but for now, Hongjoong will live in this moment as long as he can without thinking about the past or the future. He has Yunho now, and that's enough for him.


a/n: hi wow yes you made it to the end of this fic!! this last part is a bit shorter compared to the others but it didn't feel like it needed to be super long in all honesty ! i hope you all enjoy as much as i do :c

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