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It's October now, nearing November in less than two weeks which will mean another bland birthday for Hongjoong to pass through with little interest and lots of enthusiasm from both Wooyoung and San. In the past six (yes, six) weeks since his first dinner with Yunho and Akemi, Hongjoong has been over to visit at least eight times. Once a week was the agreement he and Yunho came to after the second visit, the kind smile splayed over Yunho's lips too much for Hongjoong to say no to, but the spare two visits came as a result of a spur of the moment decision on weekdays where Akemi begged for more time with Hongjoong and Yunho demanded to treat him to dinner as thanks. It is pleasant. Too pleasant. Hongjoong already knows that he has tumbled into a dangerous territory that consists of feelings of euphoria and happiness, butterflies churning in his stomach every time Yunho's tinkling laugh graces his ears, and no matter how much he tries to push it out of his mind, he can't.

Hongjoong likes the man. It would be much easier if he knew that Yunho did not like men at all, but alas he learned of that a while ago, maybe on his sixth visit to the Jeong household. What had they even been talking about again? Oh, right it was about being a disappointment to their families.

"You don't talk much of your own family, Hongjoong. Is that a... sensitive topic?"

"Oh, uh, no. It's not that I have a bad relationship with them or anything like that. There is a bit of tension? I guess you could call it that. I stopped going home to visit them because the plane tickets were getting to be too much and every time I walked in the door, I would just get an earful about how I never bring a wife home."

"Not into marriage?"

"Not into women."

Yunho had choked midway through a sip of wine, and Hongjoong thought the man was going to keel over on the floor with the way he was coughing, cheeks blazing red in embarrassment. Once he had finally recovered enough to speak again, Hongjoong's heart plummeted, but only because he knew there was no way for him to back out of the crush that had formed.

"Well, we have disappointed parents in common then. Mine couldn't believe I had a kid before marriage, then just about had a heart attack when Akemi's mother walked out. Made things even worse when I brought my first boyfriend home for the holidays when Akemi was three. They were at least glad when the next girlfriend came around, but I can't seem to make a relationship stick enough to live up to their standards. They at least love to dote on Akemi and look after her when they can, so I guess I can't complain all too much."

Hongjoong hadn't let the conversation go any further than that, swiftly changing the subject because he was terrified of letting it continue and exposing the ugly and gross bits about his own past to Yunho. He isn't ready for that. It would be too intimate and vulnerable. That's what he has to tell himself at least.

Now Hongjoong finds himself yet again in Yunho's house, but this time the situation is far different. First of all, it's a Sunday night and not a weekday. Secondly, Yunho is not home. Hongjoong did not break-in, as suspicious as it sounds. The previous Tuesday evening found Hongjoong over for dinner and Yunho mentioned that he had to leave in the morning for a business trip so they wouldn't be able to do their typical Friday dinner.

"Do you need me to watch Akemi?"

Hongjoong hadn't even hesitated to ask the question.

"I was hoping to ask if that would be too much actually. I... I would really appreciate it. I'm not used to midweek trips, but I don't want her to miss school because of this."

"I'd be happy to look after her while you're gone, Yunho. I can bring her to school with me in the mornings."

"Would you please? I can – I can pay you for it or something. I wouldn't want you to do it for free or–"

feels like floating (when i'm with you) - hohongWhere stories live. Discover now