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a/n: this part picks up right where the last left off! it's all smut so if you would like to avoid reading that, you can just skip this chapter!

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Yunho murmurs. Hongjoong smashes his lips back to his in a heat of passion, hands scrambling to clasp around the back of his neck. The other man takes the kiss without so much as batting an eye and lets Hongjoong guide it at first before taking control back when Hongjoong tries to slip his tongue back into Yunho's mouth.

"I want you, Yunho," Hongjoong says against his lips. Yunho curves his body to fit with Hongjoong's, and his large hands slip up to drag over Hongjoong's sides.

"How do you want me?"

"In every way possible."

That's how Hongjoong ends up being carried up the stairs with his legs wrapped tight around Yunho's waist, at least he thinks it is, because everything started blurring together once Yunho mouthed a wet path down the column of his neck. As mentioned before, Hongjoong is not one to beg (truly, he's not) but he would gladly beg for Yunho to do whatever he wants to him tonight.

Hongjoong's heart soars in his chest as Yunho tosses him down to the king-sized mattress, and unlike the last time Yunho brought him here, the taller man actually joins him on the bed now, legs caging Hongjoong in and making him feel oh so small. It's almost shameful how hot he finds the action to be; he never thought he'd be one to have a size kink. Although he didn't think he was one to bottom either, but every ounce of his body wants Yunho to pin him down and fuck him senseless. Maybe even make Hongjoong forget his own name too, that sounds quite enticing as well.

"Are you – are you sure you want this?" Yunho whispers, bringing his face up to look Hongjoong in the eye. Hongjoong grips the man's jaw tight between his fingers.

"If you don't fuck me tonight, I will finger myself in front of you until you do," he hisses back. Yunho's eyes go wide as he chokes on nothing but air, but the shock only lasts a moment. He pulls Hongjoong's hand away from his jaw, pinning it to the bed in a fluid motion that has Hongjoong's cock twitching in his pants. When Yunho kisses him next, he pushes his tongue into Hongjoong's mouth right away without wasting any time, and the older can feel the passion and desire in the touch. It's hot and messy, full of saliva and tongues fighting against each other like their lives depend on it. Hongjoong can feel his heart thrumming madly in his eardrums, his blood rushes through his veins with such intensity that he can feel every pulse of his muscles, and the growing need for Yunho only makes him harder with each passing second.

He's about to pull away from Yunho to ask for more contact when the man slips his free hand between Hongjoong's legs and presses his palm to the growing erection there. Hongjoong gasps into Yunho's mouth, a needy whine slipping out against his will, and Yunho eats the sound right up. He lets Hongjoong's wrist go a moment later but the man can't even bring himself to move his arm as Yunho's lips work their way back down his neck to suck dark marks to the pale skin there. In fact, Hongjoong feels positively useless under Yunho's touch; all he can do is lay back against the bed and writhe under the man's hands as he begins to pull his pants down inch by inch.

"Y-Yunho," Hongjoong gasps as Yunho drags a single finger over the imprint of his cock in his underwear.

"You're so beautiful to me, Hongjoong." Yunho presses his whole palm to Hongjoong's cock, and despite not being small by any means, Hongjoong feels like he's being swamped by the sheer size of Yunho's hand. It's a heady and hot feeling that courses through his veins next, one that makes him whine a bit more and claw at Yunho's shirt and clothes like they're an offense. "So precious," the man continues, kissing one of the soft blossoming bruises on Hongjoong's neck. He pulls back to sit up on his knees.

feels like floating (when i'm with you) - hohongWhere stories live. Discover now