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There is an unspoken shift between the two of them from the night onwards. Nothing else significant happened that night; Yunho stayed to eat with them and drink a bit before saying that it was time for him to get back to Akemi. Hongjoong walked him to the door, put a hand on his arm, and thanked him one more time. They stared at each other's lips for far too long, then Wooyoung started screaming about how San spilled beer on the couch cushions, and Hongjoong let Yunho go without asking for anything else from the man.

Their dinners resume as well, and Hongjoong is more grateful for that than he'd like to admit because admitting it would mean acknowledging how intense his feelings for the man are. They don't talk about the near kisses or lingering touches either, but that's alright by Hongjoong's standards. He'll take the peace and pining while it lasts because that's the best way for him to avoid pain in the long run. He does make certain not to drink enough to get drunk like he did that one night. Things don't change beyond that, that is until one day in mid-December when Hongjoong is back to visit for dinner but it's quite different this time.

First, it's a Saturday rather than their usual Fridays. Hongjoong couldn't make it the day before because he promised that he would go visit Seonghwa and Yeosang in the new house they bought recently.

Second, Akemi isn't present. According to Yunho, she's off staying the night at a friend's house for a birthday sleepover, so for the first time ever, Hongjoong is alone with Yunho in the house. He tries to insist that this won't make anything different between them. It's just their typical dinner after all, even if Akemi isn't with them.

"What are your plans for Christmas?" Yunho asks midway through a bite of chicken. To be frank, Hongjoong completely forgot about the holiday. It's never something huge or drastically special to him, so he pushed the thought of it to the back of his mind, but he should probably start debating what he's going to be doing since it's less than a week away now.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I won't be going home, I know that much. Tickets are too expensive, and it isn't worth the hassle to go. What about you?"

"I haven't had time to think about it. Work is always busiest this time of year, but I'll get some time off starting next week."

"Not going home?" Hongjoong inquires, glancing over at the man.

"No, not this year. Parents are going to France for a trip so there won't be anyone to go home to."

"It'll just be you and Akemi then?"

"Yup, first time too."

Hongjoong has an idea. A bad one, but an idea nonetheless.

"If you – I, um, it will be a bit cramped, but you two could come to my place for Christmas?" He sounds too hopeful, and he probably looks a bit desperate with his lower lip caught between his teeth. Yunho cocks his head to the side. The silence that ensues feels like a ton of bricks sitting atop Hongjoong's chest, and he's about to backtrack and call the idea stupid when Yunho finally speaks.

"I was going to ask the same of you actually."

"Oh. Oh! Yeah, y-yeah, uh—"

"Do you want to come over for Christmas, Hongjoong?" Yunho interjects. His gaze pierces the side of Hongjoong's head, and the older man is certain that he forgets how to breathe for a second.

"I would love that," he exhales quietly. Yunho hums through another bite of food and continues to finish his meal without mentioning it again, but the smile that lingers on his lips for the rest of dinner has Hongjoong's heart doing cartwheels and frontflips for too long. They clean the dishes side by side for once. Without one of them needing to tuck Akemi in for the night, they can get the dishes done a lot faster than usual. Still, Hongjoong cannot shake the feeling that something they're both unaware of is about to happen. Nothing about Yunho's behavior is different tonight. Hongjoong thinks he's acting normally himself as well.

feels like floating (when i'm with you) - hohongWhere stories live. Discover now