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In the week that has passed since Hongjoong's drunken night at Yunho's house, Wooyoung has warned him about getting too attached to the man at least three times. Hongjoong wishes he could say that he doesn't remember a thing from that night but he remembers it all. The lingering touches, the laughs exchanged in breaths that mingled together, the near kisses, and most of all the way Yunho was so close within Hongjoong's reach yet so far away at the same time.

"Maybe you aren't ready for this."

"For what, Wooyoung?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all. I've seen enough people hurt you, and I do my best to help you recover every time, but I'm always scared that there's gonna be one worse than the rest. One I can't fix."

Yunho is making conversation with Akemi on his right. Hongjoong can barely touch his food thanks to the uneasy feeling settling in his stomach, but he forces some food down just so that Yunho isn't offended. He can't quit thinking about that damn conversation with Wooyoung, the latest one that had the most lasting impact on his damn overthinking brain.

"Do you want this, Hongjoong?"

"He doesn't."

"How do you know that? You said that he literally wanted to kiss you."

"I was drunk. Probably only said that because of the way I was acting."

Maybe Hongjoong can move back home and find a job there. Or he can find a different school so he doesn't have to see Yunho and his stupidly perfect face anymore.

"Are you tired, Mimi?" Hongjoong pulls his focus back to the scene before him, trying to shake the memories of that conversation out of his mind. Akemi nods her little head in agreement, and Yunho reaches out to comb his hand through her hair. "Okay, butterfly, run upstairs and brush your teeth. I'll be right there."

"Can Mr. Hong come tuck me in please?"

Hongjoong's eyes widen a bit at that. Yunho twists to look at him, lips parted a bit in disbelief, then he returns to smiling at Akemi.

"We'll see, angel. Head upstairs first."

Akemi gets up from her seat with a loud giggle and darts around the table within seconds, gone from sight before Hongjoong can even blink. Yunho stands as well, albeit much slower, gathering his plate and Akemi's from the table to head into the kitchen. Hongjoong follows suit with his own plate. His gaze finds the back of Yunho's head.

"Do you want me to tuck her in?" He asks once Yunho sets his plates in the sink.

"Would you please? She will probably refuse to sleep unless you do it."

Hongjoong replies with a smile and a nod, placing his dish on the counter and pulling away to follow Akemi up the stairs. Maybe it's because he was already too deep in his thoughts but the act of tucking Yunho's daughter in and putting her to bed before they indulge in some wine feels grossly domestic. It's funny how much he hates the thought of it because this is what he's always wanted: a family to come home to, spend time with, and be loved by. If it's what he's always wanted, why is his mind telling him to run away?

Akemi is crawling into bed when Hongjoong arrives in the doorway.

"Mr. Hong, Mr. Hong! Do you have a new poem for me?"

"Where did we leave off last time, little butterfly?" Hongjoong hums, stepping further into the room as he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"You read one about stars and wasting time!" Akemi tugs her sheets up to her chin, bright eyes blinking at Hongjoong with endless wonder, and he grins at her enthusiasm.

feels like floating (when i'm with you) - hohongWhere stories live. Discover now