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"Can I convince you to stay for one?"

How can Hongjoong say no to that?

His response to the question is to detach himself from Yunho's body and move back towards the couch, sending a quick look over his shoulder to see if the man will pick up on what he's insinuating. Yunho blinks at him in confusion for a few moments. Realization only hits when Hongjoong plops down on the cushions, and he jumps into action, rushing to retrieve some glasses and the wine bottle from the fridge. The look of pure relief on Yunho's features when he comes to join Hongjoong makes the decision to stay more than worth it.

Over the past few weeks, Hongjoong has come to realize that these moments – the ones where they drink and talk over menial things – are the only ones Yunho has to himself. It's the only time he gets to do something for himself that isn't work or taking care of Akemi. Hongjoong briefly wonders when the last time the man went out on his own for fun was but ultimately decides that he doesn't want to depress himself with the thought.

"Did Akemi behave okay while I was gone?" Yunho inquires, glancing at Hongjoong out the corner of his eye as he pours the drinks.

"Like a dream really. I have no complaints." Yunho's cheeks bunch up a bit, and he passes Hongjoong a glass that is far too full of wine but Hongjoong drinks it regardless.

"The pictures you sent were nice to see. I was missing her when you sent them so... perfectly timed."

Pictures? Hongjoong doesn't recall sending pictures. Oh wait, yes he does. He sent some as soon as they got home from the ice skating rink, some that the old couple took as well as pictures of Akemi at the park and the shoes they painted together. He tried to push that out of his mind because it felt too domestic for his liking, but it also felt wrong to keep those pictures from Yunho.

"Ha, yeah, the couple who took the pictures at the rink thought I was her dad." Fuck. Shit. Kim Hongjoong, why the hell would you say that? You aren't even drunk yet. Hongjoong drinks at his wine with more intensity now, nervously trying to drown his panic in the red liquor in the hopes that it will help somehow. Thank goodness Yunho just smiles wider with nothing but a joyful mirth to his gaze.

"You would be a fantastic father."

"There's a difference between being a good teacher and a good parent," Hongjoong mumbles into his glass.

"I know." Yunho's gentle gaze is turning him to jello, or maybe even better, a melted pile of ice cream on the floor. Hongjoong is internally begging for him to change the subject and move onto something else so that Yunho won't keep staring at him in such a way. He has no such luck. "Do you wanna be a dad one day?"

"I, uh, I'm not sure. Sometimes I feel like being a teacher is more than enough but it would be nice to get to do things like go to the park or paint or something like that with a kid of my own. I barely have my life together as it is, I can't possibly imagine trying to raise a kid on my own. T-That's kinda why I admire your efforts so much. But I gotta... gotta find someone who will put up with me long term."

"You don't have anyone?" Now that question shocks Hongjoong. He has always pinned himself as the type who is very obviously single and alone, but Yunho sounds like he truly believed the opposite.

"You thought I did?"

"I just – well, I – someone like you, I just figured that you'd be taken."

Someone like you.


Oh dear, Hongjoong needs more wine. He lunges forward without thinking after downing the rest of his glass, refilling it to the same height that it was when Yunho initially filled it. There is no negative connotation to Yunho's statement, and that is what scares Hongjoong more than anything else. His brain's first reaction is to think of all the ways he could ruin this here and now, how best to run away, how to set his relationship with Yunho aflame before there is even an opportunity for it to go anywhere, and he hates himself for that but it is to protect himself from the pain.

feels like floating (when i'm with you) - hohongWhere stories live. Discover now