///CHAPTER 12\\\

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Alternate name: Sero's day out!
Alternate name: Sero's step closer to getting a new blah blah balasa no spoilers!!

///Sero's Pov///
MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN WALKING FAST! "Okay! Now what do I have to get from the grocery store?" I looked down at the beautifully written list. Curtesy of Momo Yayorozu!

Chicken breast
Hot sauce
A bag of Dino nuggets

Wait why is that written weirdly? It kinda looks like Denki's writing...
I got you bro!
Maybe I should stop by a restaurant and get honey mustard? Store bought honey mustard is the worst.

I quickly grabbed all of my items and headed towards the cash register.
"Running errands for your mother?" The lady at the register asked, trying to make small talk.

"Ah! No for class actually." I smiled
"Such a sweet boy! What grade are you in?" She asked scanning my last two items.
"First year of high school." I handed her the money. Before getting my change and receipt.

"Have a good day! I hope you and your class enjoy." She smiled and waved. I did the same in return as I walked out.

"Just feed the fire in you!" I look over and find a street band. "So cool!" I drop a bit of the change in a guitar case. Then continue my way back to the alliance.

Once I finally get to the gates of the building there stood a man with a cooler. I walked up to him to make sure he's not a stalker or a villain.
"Can I help you sir?"

"Oh hello! I'm here to drop off some food for Kaneki.K ?" Must be some more organs! Does this guy know that? Probably not!
"I can take it to him!"

"Really!? Thanks." I got the bag then went in to see everyone staring at something in the kitchen.


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