///CHAPTER 7\\\

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Kaneki's POV

Shuu has been quite for a while which, I find is not normal. I decided to walk around the dorms, for a bit while walking around I overheard a conversation,but it's rude to listen into other's conversations.

So I kept walking until I got to the elevator and ended up in the common room where everyone was huddled up talking about the sports festival that's coming up. Something that I'm not looking forward to. " What are you up Kaneki-kun?" Pinky asked "I was just getting a snack" I said walking over to the freezer, where I hid a kidney. "Cool, what are you gonna snack on?" she said reaching for my kidney. "Nothing that you'll be interested in"

"But I don't know what it is and trying new things is fun!" she pumped her fist "Well this is something you don't want to try" I walked towards the elevator to go back to my room, My mouth watering from the smell and thought of the kidney I'm about to eat.
I get to the fifth floor. I walked into my room, sat down at my desk and unraveled the kidney, when Shuu decides to be annoying. "Did you know there's a spy at your school?"

"I didn't have to know because you were just gonna tell me''
"Well whatever just be careful"
"Yeah yeah whatever leave me alone I'm about to eat''
"I'll leave you alone for now my love,
au revoir~"

I swear I can never be alone or enjoy the quietness of my dorm without someone interrupting it. I bit into my kidney, it was so good I found myself wanting more so I went downstairs and got four more pieces of flesh from the freezer. While ignoring the stares from my classmates.

Bakusquad's POV
"Hey have you ever wandered what Kaneki-kun is eating?"Denki said looking at the albino haired boy carry away four supposed wraps

"Yeah I tried asking him what he was eating but he wouldn't tell or let me see what it was!" Mina chimed into Denki's theories "I think we should see what his eating!" Denki said walking over to his partner in crime
"Yeah!" Mina said agreeing with her partner in crime "I don't think this is such a good idea" Sero said trying to stop the criminals, without the help of kirishima and Bakugo.
"Oh don't be a wimp Sero I know you're a little curious too!" Mina said while walking over to the fridge with denki.

"Yeah, but its kinda rude to be in his business like this..." who was he kidding he want to know what his classmate is eating too. But he's worried about Kaneki finding out or Denki and Mina eating Kaneki's snacks. 'Am I the only one who notices that he never eats in the lunch room? or that they always bring him his lunch. Obviously he's hiding something very personal' Sero thought to himself he was knocked out of those thoughts when started opening some foil that had Kaneki's name on it.

When Sero looked at the so called snack with curiosity which was quickly replaced by nausea. "OH MY GOSH WHAT IS THAT!?"Mina screamed causing Uraraka and Tsuyu to walk over "What's going on?" Uraraka asked "It looks like a giant worm -Kero" Tsuyu said looking at the Colon that belonged to the man whom committed suicide. Nezu was curious whether Kaneki's could tell the deference when it comes to the organs owners.

"What are you guys screaming about?" A green haired boy emerged from the elevator. "Deku-kun come look at this!" Uraraka ushered her friend over to the table, to look at the Colon. "I-Is that a Colon!?"
"We aren't completely sure, but apparently Kaneki-kun is eating them! Does it look like a human Colon to you!?" Mina asked the green haired boy scared of his answer hoping it was a fake gummy worms or a prank
"I don't know I've never seen one in real life before. But if it is then that would make him a canibal"

"Does that mean he would eat us too!?" Denki asked scared for his life "There could be a chance"Midoriya said looking down at the supposed giant worm thinking how he was gonna tell his boss
"I won't eat you guys as long as you don't go opening my food and wasting it" A voice came from behind the students, sending shivers down their spines afraid of the voice.

"K-kaneki-k-kun?" They all said together turning around to see the albino haired boy."So are you gonna tell me why you're going through my stuff?"
"We were curious secondly I-Is this from a human?" Mina asked stuttering "Yes it is but that person committed suicide so I didn't kill anyone"
"So you're telling us that you're cannibal? why?" Mina asked still scared holding the spot where her supposed colon is.
"I'm not cannibal by choice and it's part of my quirk I can't eat normal food"

"What do you mean you can't eat normal food? Unless you just won't" Denki asked quirking a brow.
"I throw up normal food and it tastes disgusting"
"Oh so humans taste delicious though!?" Uraraka joined in criticizing the white haired ghoul
"duh it's the only thing I can eat so of course it's delicious"
"Well as long as you don't eat us I don't care what you do. But stay away from me MONSTER!" Uraraka walked off with Tsuyu high on her tail.

"That's a cool but villainous quirk Kaneki-kun" Midoriya said and walked off. The Bakusquad thought that he was going to get his notebook, but in reality his going to tell his boss of the new information. "So are you gonna wrap it back up or let everyone see it?"
"So you care if the others know?" Sero asked
"No not really" He grabbed the Colon and took a bite out of it. This caused Mina to gag while holding her stomach or rather her colon.

Denki soon followed behind her in gaging next to the kitchen sink while, Sero watch as the ghoul retreated back to his dorm. Getting weird looks from the classmates in the halls,and the ones getting off of the elevator. Uraraka and Tsuyu explained to the other girls about Kaneki. The Bakusquad told the other classmates that came into the common room, and soon that was all they were talking about. They also texted about it in the class group chat.

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