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///God's POV\\\
After the explanation given by Midnight. All of the students started teaming up. Kaneki just stood off to the side and leaned on the wall as everyone was quickly teamed up. Everyone except a group of kids from 1-b.

"We just need one more person" Shishida told the others.
"What about him?" Kendo pointed to Kaneki.
"I guess since he's the only one left" Tetsutetsu said scratching his neck.
The three walked over to Kaneki whom already heard they're conversation.
"Hey are you in anybody's group?" Kendo asked looking at the white haired male.

"No." He gave a short answer.
"Well we're one person short. So we were wondering if you would Like to team up with us?" Shishida asked.
"Okay I have 75 points" Kendo said
"185" Kaneki said.
"70"Shishida added to their amount.
"165"Tetsutetsu said
"Okay is that brings us to 495 points" Kendo said using her mental math.

"Okay who's gonna ride on top?" Tetsutetsu asked.
"Wait I'm kendo I can in-large my hands. What's your quirk and name?" Kendo said with a small guilty smile.
"I'm Kaneki" He introduced himself.
"And your quirk? I'm Shishida by the way. My quirk is kinda obvious." Shishida said
Kaneki releaced his so called quirk. He could feel all of the stares on him from not just is teammates.

"So tentacles?" Tetsutetsu said in a kinda questioning way.
"Mmhm" Kaneki nodded
"I'm Tetsutetsu my quirk is hardening!" He gave a big smile.
"Okay I think Kaneki-kun should be in top. How far can you send tentacles out?" Kendo's asked.
"About 10 feet probably farther. Never really tested it" Kaneki said.
"Yeah so he can make a barrier around them." Tetsutetsu said.
"I don't think we can cover them up" Kendo said putting down that idea.

"I can just protect them. They were made for self defense. With that said the principal will be keeping his eye on us" Kaneki said.
"That's good because if we don't make we will still have gotten some of the Pro's attention" Shishida smiled.
"If you say so"Kaneki said

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