///Chapter 10\\\

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///Kaneki's POV\\\
After that stupid halloween house activity they went back to ignoring me its not like they even talked to me. Last I checked they were treating me like the flu,I think they're only adding me to their activities so I won't kill/eat them. What type of heroes are they? Today we're supposed to pick hero names but we've already done that's we don't have to have midnight come in agin. So she'll be focusing on the other courses.

Number of offers:

Todoroki Shoto- 4,123

Bakugou Katsuki- 3,556

Kaneki Ken- 2,649

Tokoyami Fumikage-  360

Iida Tenya- 301

Kaminari Denki- 272

Yaoyorozu Momo- 108

Kirishima Eijiro- 68

Uraraka Ochaco- 20

Sero Hanta- 14

"As you all can see up here some of you didn't get an offer. But you are still required to go to an intern ship. " Aizawa explains to 1-a, to be honest he doesn't want to be here. For once I'm actually looking forward to getting away from my classmates. The school let me have the tablet and are now trying to figure out how Shuu got the flip phone here so there's that investigation.Since they are able to talk to me apparently Uta has been visiting a lot more just to talk.

"So you'll be spending the rest of the day deciding where you'll go. Iida pass out these forms" He gave Iida the forms, I only glanced at it once I was given one. " Sign and turn in these forms by Friday. You leave for them Monday morning." Did he just-

"But Sensei today is Friday." Iida turned around from Ojiro's desk. "Exactly" and with that he fell asleep behind his desk. Looking down at my offers I chose the one with a interesting looking hero named the Fly.

Quickly finishing the other information on the paper, I placed on Aizawa's desk then left.
"Wait Kaneki-kun!" Turning around I was met with the red shark poking his head out of the door.

"Did you already choose an offer?"
"Yup now I gotta go get my hero suit and pack." I waved walking away to the support course. The halls smelled of iron and metal, you could hear clanking going on from a few of the doors. Walking into the classroom I saw the teacher talking to a pink haired girl. He turned to me.
" See he's here to pick it up now!" the pink haired girl turned to me.
" So you're the guy with four tentacles. So does that make you an octopus with your legs and arms? what about you fingers and toes? I guess those would count as the suctions..."
She began to mumble about all of the possibilities and trying prove I'm an octopus.

"Ignore her here's your costume." I grabbed the suitcase and got outta there and headed to the dorms. Where I'll be the only one there, nice and quiet. Opening the door to find a quite common room with no one it, going up to my room with no one trying to pester me. Opening the door I find my window open and Touya on my bed wiping off purple make up that looks like scars? "Oh hey cutie!" he stood up off of. the bed. "What're you doing here?"

"Oh you know checking in on you. What's in the suitcase?"    "School's doing an internship thing, so I'll be laving Monday."    "Oh? Have you chose one yet?" "Yeah." I grabbed my mask and put inside the case, then sat the case on my empty desk. "So what's your hero name?" "I dunno what's your villain name?" he tensed at the question so I knew I was right.
"lemme ask you this, what exactly is midoriya and who is he working with?"

"Look I won't tell the league any info you give me and you won't tell the heroes any I give you. Okay?" I nodded he sighed "He's the son of my boss, apparently he pretended to be quirkiness and got All Might's quirk." Wait! quirks can be transferred!? Or just his? Probably just his, I haven't heard anything about it when I in estimated this world.

"Moving on from that do you know Shuu?" I asked, he nodded looking a little angry. "Izuku met him over in your dimension, so they teamed up and he's here now." I got up and walked out the door with him following behind me, I stopped him when we got to the elevator. "What's up?" he asked. "The class is back, go back to my room while I go downstairs." he turned back around heading to my room.

~Touya's POV~
Walking back into Kaneki's room I saw a tablet vibrating, so I did what every great soon to be boyfriend would do! I answered it with a scowl to find a tattooed man.
"Huh you're not Kaneki."
"Who're you weirdo? How do you know Kaneki?" I asked.
"Me? I'm his boyfriend."

"No you're not because I am!"
"Guess that plan didn't work, I guess you could say we're family."
"Yup, now where is Kaneki, and who are you? I've met of his classmates."
"Oh I'm just a friend, names Dabi. Kaneki went down stairs a few minuets ago."
"Oh? I guess you can just tell him I called" I nodded and with that he hung up. Danm! I've already made a bad impression on his brother! I'll probably never make it with him now! Well theres always his dad!

"But what if he's not okay with him being gay! What if he isn't gay! I wanna curl up in a ball and die!"
"Why do you wanna die?" Kaneki asked as he came through the door, at least he didn't hear the first part!
"Oh no reason just, feel like dying?"
"Oh I feel like that all the time" That's not good! I bet its because of that pervert, making my baby suicidal to get away from him!

"Oh, anyways why'd you go down stairs?"
"Grabbed us some snacks, so entertain me while I pack."
"Aye-aye captain."

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