39.Till death do us apart

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Subtle rays of light peeped in through the window,the reality of the night roared again,awakening me completely.I grabbed a cushion near by and placed it on the floor. I lifted Shivaay's head off my lap and placed it on the cushion.He looked so tired and broken.Mending someone's broken heart is never easy.He had gone through storm like a true sailor but it had worn him out.Ruffling his hairs,I kissed his frown lines.I got up and made my way out,letting him sleep for a few more hours.

After getting ready for the day,I went to his room to wake him up.He looked quite peaceful,asleep.Peace was quite seldomly found in his life. He seemed groggy at first but after some insistence I was able to wake him up.He needed to eat something and for all I knew he hadn't had anything yesterday.

After having breakfast with my parents,we made our way out towards the garden.My parents had asked if we wanted to accompany them for shopping,but I wasn't sure if Shivaay would want to go out so I refused.We sat on the lawn chairs,in silence.

"Anika,there's another thing you should know."He said.I grew tensed.I looked at him curiously while he stared ahead.

"Yesterday,I had went to confront an individual who I thought was involved in what happened to Saanvi.It was just an year ago when I met one of Saanvi's friend,whose house she was supposed to stay that night.While talking she said that there were five men in the car including Rehaan that night but she wasn't very sure.That disturbed me very much,knowing that the justice wasn't served.I had hired a sketch artist so that she could describe the faces she saw through the tinted glasses of the car.She described two faces that she remembered.One man among the two,was someone I didn't know while the other was dead with three other molesters."

"How did you find him?" I asked.

"I had a hired a PI who lead me to the identity of the accused.I couldn't reopen the case without any proof.Later one of the guys in my IT firm traced his location.There were a few pictures of all the five louts together in a bar which was a few miles away from Saanvi's friends place and a drunken video which was apparently recorded in the bar.Saanvi was with them in the photographs but that wasn't enough to accuse him of anything."

"Did you check out the bar?I mean there must be someone who can identify this guy.There must be a cctv footage to know for sure,if all five men left in the same car."I asked.

"I did.There wasn't a cctv footage but a worker there said he remembered them.He said that they purchased a few bottles of whiskey and also said that the four men along with a woman left in the car while this guy stayed there for an hour or more.That wasn't enough for me to be assured that he was innocent.For all I knew,he met them later.I had to be sure.But it troubles me till date,to know that Saanvi didn't even call me after knowing that those bastards were drunk."He tugged his head in agony.

"Shivaay,for all we know they might have snatched her phone.There are a million possibilities to what might have happened."I reasoned.

"I know,it kills me to realize that she was helpless.She suffered and I wasn't able to do anything.While she screamed for help,I wasn't there."I got up and knelt down near his chair and gathered his palms in my hand.

"Who was he?"I asked.

"Armann Avasthi.He stays here in New York."He answered.My body grew cold,I knew Armaan was no saint but I had never thought that he was capable of something like this.I felt like puking,realising that I had known this monster all my life and I never guessed.

"He kept changing his SIM cards as if he was trying to escape.I grew suspicious of his acts." He said.

"Shivaay,I know Armaan.His father Rashid Avasthi was my father's business partner for a few years."I said,not being able to digest that I knew a criminal and I had never suspected.

Shivaay looked surprised."Was he involved?"I asked.

"No.When I went to meet him yesterday,I was certain he would confess his crimes but he didn't commit it.He said he owed a huge debt in gambling and thought the people who were tracking his SIM cards were the one to whom he owed the money.Apparently that night he went back to the hotel he stayed in,after the bar.To check the truth,I had asked my PI to check the cctv cameras of the hotel lobby.He was saying the truth.According to him he knew nothing about his friends intentions but there is no way to know if he knew or not."

If only men could choose their allies carefully and call out their friends when they spoke condescendingly about women,there could be a change in the society if they did so.If Armaan did know about his friends intentions,he is no less than the monsters who committed the crime.Speaking up against the wrong is essential.

"Can I ask you a favour?"he asked,pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes,anything."I said firmly as I stared into his eyes.

"When we go back to Mumbai,I want you to come along with me to Saanvi's grave.My guilt never allowed me to visit her grave after she died.I have died every single day since,wallowing myself in the pain of losing her,the guilt of not being there for her.It felt like I kept on losing her in pieces as I tried holding on to her memory as a whole.It's been years since I even tried to faintly remember that night.But talking to you yesterday,made me realise that Saanvi could never be the reason for my sorrow,my pain or my despair.She will always be the reason for my happiness,my laughter.I want that for myself."

I got up from my knees,as he pulled me into his lap.He wanted to get out of the dark tunnel,he wanted to be able to see light again.I wanted that for him as well.I placed my palms as either side of his head as I wiped his tears with my thumbs.

"She always wanted to be the first person to meet my potential partner.Though she might not be the first,I want her to know you.I want you to meet her.Will you do that for me,Anika?"He asked,hopefully.I knew how much this meant to him.I nodded my head vigorously as tears streamed down my cheeks.

He placed his forehead against mine.I could faintly hear our breaths as our heart beats echoed within the confined space of our love.The reality of us had blossomed amidst the union of our grief.

"I can't promise to forget my pain but I will never let it affect us.You are the reason I want to laugh again,I want to be able to live again.I want to be able to remember my sister with all memories we had knitted together.I can't promise to not make mistakes or get out of control a few times but I will learn to handle it all as long as you are beside me.I love you with everything I have and I will always will."He said,pulling me gently to his warmth.

"I love you,Shivaay.I love you despite all your flaws because you love me despite my flaws.We will cross any hurdle together as long as we are together."

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,while loving someone deeply gives you courage.


A/N-I have tried to handle the above situation concerning molestation as sensitively as possible without hurting anyone's sentiments.If I have hurt anyone unknowingly,I apologize.Do feel free to point your opinions,I wouldn't mind the suggestions as it gives me the room for improvement.❤

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