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Few years later,

The warmth that penetrated through my skin,awakened the unknown desires I ever had. The sense of belonging I felt at this moment had the ability to fight years of solitude I lived in.Just by laying there beside him, I had conquered the highest novelty. His calloused fingers skimmed through my back in to and fro motion, adding contentment that I once dreamt of feeling.His lean muscles were the best pillows I ever laid on.His breath fanned the inside of my unruly hair as if the fragrance of it was what he needed to survive.The darkness around served as a testimony to our love.Breeze swept through the window as if it was eager to peak a look inside at the mortals who possessed the night with raw emotions. We just devoured the sense of togetherness without any concern in the world. It felt as if the time debated on being still for a moment to let us live this togetherness for a few more seconds,minutes,hours.What mattered the most in this moment was just 'US'.

I heaved my head a few inches up to look at the man to whom I had vowed to love till death keeps us apart.His eyelids were flat but he wasn't asleep. He was soaking in the moments,just like I was.I ran my fingertips across his few days stubble and his smile gradually made it's way as he sensed my presence.He looked divine to me, the one with flaws that outweighed his perfections and that appealed to me the most.

His past did knock his door a few times but he never went without a fight.His nightmares are not that often, it shifted from once a week to once a month and whenever he sees me worried, he pulls me close and says"I gave up before because it was just me in the picture but now I have you and I will be dammned to not go without a fight for the betterment of us."Just by that I knew I had found my person.

"Don't you need to sleep for tomorrow?"He asked, petting my tangled mess of hair.

"I am sleeping."I sighed.

"I meant the general version of sleeping,not your version,"He protested, half amused.

"I just can't wait for tomorrow,though I am nervous and giddy at the same time."

"Me too."

"Will we be any good?" I asked, nuzzling my head on his arm for a better position.He lifted his arm and pulled me close to his chest.

"There's no way to tell that but I can feel it in my gut that we will be best together." He murmured, placing a soft kiss to the side of my head.

"Did you pick out any name?"I asked.

"She already has one, Ani."I leapt forward,placing my arms on his chest,I looked right into his eyes.

"You don't want her to have a name of your preference?"

He gazed right into mine with an assurance that I always found."All I want is her to be ours.I am fine with everything else."

"It was my decision -"I said and he interrupted me with a stern glare and I knew better that to argue on the same topic.So I phrased it properly before saying it out loud.

"It was 'our' decision Shivaay.What if somewhere in the coming years she doesn't want us, it's not like she got any say in this."

He brushed my cheeks gently with his knuckles,"I don't know,Ani.All I know is that we will shower her with so much love that she will never feel a void for anyone else.She is our daughter and we are her parents.She is ours to love, protect and nurture.I can't wait to cuddle her all night, mold my large hands in her soft little one and say her that I love her for the rest of her life."

I reached my fingers to his face to wipe a tear drop that slid dow his cheeks.There was no doubt that he wouldn't be the best dad to our girl.I already knew our daughter will be loved and protected by her 'dada'.I still remember the day so clearly.

I started volunteering in an orphanage on my weekends after a few months of our marriage.They brought in a 5 year old girl.She had curls that would mess her hair up but she still managed to be the cutest little kid.I know I am biased but she is my kid.She would wait for weekends to see me and I would just take her up in my arms and cuddle her all day.After a month, I just knew that she was a part of me that I couldn't seperate.I was anxious and confused.It had been just a few months to our marriage and adoption was not something to be taken lightly.I decided not to let the cat out of the bag so early.So I decided to take him along with me and he couldn't believe our little girl had him wrapped around her finger within a day.We started spending weekdays,weekends and then there was this moment where we both knew she was our kid.It took months to get through the adoption procedures.At first we feared if the decision wouldn't be in our favour and then after months of fear,patience and desperation we were legally her mom and dad. Tomorrow was the day she would be ours forever.

"I can't wait to be her dad,"he whispered, with his eyes closed.A huge smile plastered on his face.

I snuggled on his chest and closed my eyes."I can't wait to be her mother."

When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.Now we had another little person for who we would be the best,together.



As said by Frank Herbert,"There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story."

I had initially started the plot with the concept of having someone to understand and listen while you are fighting your own battle.Everyone bares a scar,each scar has it own story.It's a symbolic representation of what you have been through.We all must try to empathize with what someone else is going through,all they need is someone to hear and understand,not necessarily offer solutions.As we all know, no two stories can be the same.

Let us all live with love,happiness and laughter and make this world a better place to survive.

P.S-Do vote and comment your final thoughts for one last time🖤

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