31.Countdown begins

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"Shivaay?Shivaay?Are you in there?" I heard Anika.

Stretching my arms in the air,I twitched my back, relaxing.It was seven in the evening and I was perplexed.I had slept through the whole afternoon and it was unlikely unusual of me to do so.

"Are you alive in there,"she yelled.

The moment I got up, I felt dizzy.Usually I feel tired after a wholesome sleep and this was no different.Recovering, I made it gently towards the door, unlocking it.

"Someone had a good sleep,"she commented as she noticed my puffed eyes.

"I surely did,"I replied,walking back to my bed.

"No, no."Anika pulled me back by my arm."It's dinner time and if you keep my dad waiting, he will not take a minute to draw an opinion about you."She gently pushed me towards the bathroom,handing me a toothbrush with the paste on top.

I started brushing my teeth, mumbling "Is it necessary to stay in your dad's good books?"

"Well you know, it comes in handy.For future." She blushed.

"Future?" I teased.

"Just stop talking.Get ready and we need to be back down within ten minutes.My dad might not appreciate your tardiness."

"He is a tough nut to crack,ah,"he laughed.

"Shivaay!"she chastised, controlling her urge not to smile.

Once I was done,we walked down together.Her parents had settled themselves on the right side of the dinning table and we occupied the seats to the opposite left.

"Finally," her dad scoffed.Anika's mother shoved him, passing me a salient smile.

After the dinner was served,we ate in silence.Silence can make a person uncomfortable at times and that was exactly how I felt.

"Dad what's special this time on your birthday,"Anika asked, with an enthusiastic smile.

"Your mom is throwing a party, that's definitely special,"her dad snorted.

"Oh no,"Anika sighed in disappointment.

"Exactly,she has insisted on a sugar free cake and don't get me started on other items on the menu."Her dad detested at the sheer imagination of it.

"Ma, what's the point of having a cake, if it's sugar free?"Anika pointed.

"So that my husband gets to celebrate his 100th birthday,"her mom casually replied, shrugging her shoulders and continued to eat. I quickly covered my laughter with a fake cough.Her mom was definitely something else.

"I am uninviting you from my party,"her dad scoffed in annoyance.

"You can't forbid the host from the party.Have you ever heard of any such,Shivaay?"Her mom indulged me in their family banter,kind of asking me to back her up against the father-daughter duo.

"No,I don't think it's appropriate."I said.Her mother definitely looked pleased with my answer but her daughter stamped my foot,passing me a deadly glare.I quickly covered my smile and concentrated on my plate.

"You are no doctor here,my love.You shouldn't mix your personal and professional life,"Mr Raichand taunted his wife.

"I will until you learn to take care of your health.Who sneaks down in the midnight to have two pieces of pastery!And not to forget about the chocolate in your dashboard,"her mom retorted.

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