getting handsy

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The spacing is messing up and I don't know why -_- fml sorry if its messed up 

Tobias POV

One day something changed. My eyes felt less heavy and all of a sudden I could make them flutter and then open.

Tris POV 

His eyelids fluttered. They fluttered softly a couple of times before I was looking into his eyes.

"Hi Toby." He smiled but seemed unable to talk. "I'll be right back let me get a nurse." I rushed out to the hallway looking wildly around.

“Nurse! Nurse!”  

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” A nurse approached me.

“He… he.. he opened his eyes!”

“Ok I will go get the doctor and we can look at his vitals and explore our options.” She gave me a fake looking smile and patted me on the back.

“Oh Toby i’m so happy you’re finally awake!” I burst back into the pale hospital room to find his eyes closed again. I sat down against the wall trying to contain my emotions. I was afraid that if the doctor didn’t come soon we would lose him to the world of void unconsciousness again. A different doctor than normal burst into the room after about five minutes.

“Hello uhh… Miss, why don’t we talk a look.” The doctor picked up his chart and glanced through it quickly.

“Shot on his wedding day? Boy thats tough. Did you know his Fiancee?” I took a deep breath and shot him a glare.

“I’m his fiancee and I’d appreciate it if you could tell me what’s wrong with him instead of speculating his personal life.” I say through gritted teeth.

“Oh uh I uh apologize.” The doctor walked over to Tobias’ bed and started doing his “inspection”. It kind of seemed he was getting quite handsy with my almost husband by leaving his hands on certain places for longer than necessary. I cleared my throat and eyed his hands hoping to get the point across.

“So it looks like he is beginning to regain his consciousness but the drugs we have him are pretty strong so we will slowly begin to lower the dosage and then eventually take him off the ventilator and you can uh call for me if there are any other problems.” He left quickly running out embarrassed. How unprofessional of him, getting a little to close for comfort.

so i know this sucks but its like midnight and I have school tomorrow and i’m really sick soooo bye *hugs*

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