Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
*Tobias POV*
"Hey Tris." I walked up and engulfed her with my arms, kissing the top of her head gently.
"Hey!" Her smile lit up, and she looked tired. I was sad that we weren't training initiates anymore and we both had to go back to our normal jobs.
"How ya feelin?"
"A bit tired.. Lemme tell Tori I am leaving then we can go."
"Ok." Tris walked swiftly away and I plopped down in her tattooing chair, spinning lazily around in it.
"Ready to go?" She now had her bag hanging off her shoulder, Her hair hanging loosely in her face.
"Yep" I answer tossing my arm around her shoulders.
"So Toby what were you thinking about going out for some fun tonight!?"
"Wait! nevermind we can't tonight!"
"Whyyyy?" I pouted a bit, excited by the idea of clubbing with Tris.
"We planned to have dinner with Chase remember?"
"Do we have to!?" I whine like a little kid.
"you were the one that came up with the idea! Remeber? Cleansing your soul, taking someone under your wing!" She exclaimed.
"I changed my mind, now let's go clubbing!"
"We can't cancel on him now!" She was now practically dragging me towards our apartment now.
"Lets invite him to go clubbing with us! lose him in the crowd and ditch him!"
"Nope!" We reached our apartment by this point and I fumbled with my key before unlocking the door. She forcefully pushed me into the apartment.
"Hey guys!" Chase exclaims grinning as he steps away from the mantle covered in personal photos of ours.
"uh hey Chase... How'd you get in?"
"Oh some guy let me in... Zeke was it?" I made a mental note to chew Zeke out later.
"Um ok... You wait right there while we go get changed in that room over there." I took Tris' hand and dragged her into our bedroom quickly closing the door.
"HE'S A CREEPER" I whisper shout.
"Tobias!! He got here early, there's no shame in that!" She whisper shouted back.
"Nope, but there's shame in looking through our stuff!" I retaliate.
"He wasn't looking through our stuff!!! We have photographs on a mantle that's free to look at!"
"Yea, but the box of our private pics was open on the coffee table" I point out.
"We really need to put that in a more private place." She admits.
"We should probably change now."
"At least we aren't eating here so he can't go through more of our stuff."


"Soo Chase, tell us some more about yourself."
"Umm I'm sixteen, I was erudite before this and umm."
"Do you have any siblings?"
"Ummm yes a brother and sister, both younger."
"My mother walked out on us when I was little and my father hated children." He answered making the conversation awkward.
"How's the food?" Tris asked trying to switch topics.
"Its good." Chase said, pushing a carrot around with his fork.
"Four what's your real name?"
"Errrrm, I don't really feel comfortable saying that outloud... What were your parents names?"
"I don't even know my fathers but my mother was named Evelyn" I feel my face drain of color, my brain launched into bad memories. I was about to start hyperventilating and I think I nearly broke Tris' hand, which I was squeezing tightly.
"Do you happen to know a last name?"
"Uhhhh....E-Ethan? Eaton? I don't know, she and my dad didn't get married so I don't share her last name."
"Ummm Excuse me for a moment." I stood up and walked quickly out of the restaurant trying to remember how to breath.

*Tris POV*
"Did I say something wrong?" Chase looked really confused and I wasn't exactly sure what to say.
"Well you know he's had a difficult past and I guess he is trying to take it all in."
"Take what in?"
"His mother also left and his father didn't cope with it well. He probably thinks the situations are too similar."
"Hey sorry I just needed a breather." Tobias kissed me on the top of my head and took his seat.
"Chase I am about to tell you something and I want you to know that i'm here for you." Chase looked confused but Tobias continued. He took a shaky breath and with a quick glance at me continued.
"Uh.. Chase, my mother was also named Evelyn."
"Oh what a weird coincidence!" Chase smiled.
"My last name is also Eaton." Chase's smile dropped and his face went pallid.
"Does that mean... we're like brothers?"
"Well half brothers but um ya I guess." Things after that got less awkward, more friendly.

"Good night Chase. I'm glad I got to know you better."
"Thank you for everything, both of you."
"Thanks for opening up to us." I was excited, nobody had ever been able to get me to talk much with the exception of Tris, but with Chase I felt like we've been friends for ages. We came to a fork in the hallway and that was when we split up from Chase, he walked down one hallway towards his new apartment and Tris and me to our apartment. The moment he left was went the passion started. I all of a sudden didn't want to keep my hands off of her. We reached our apartment and It took me a few tries to get the door unlocked. The door slammed open, and I kicked it shut with my foot, while pushing Tris up against the wall kissing her neck. She let out a squeal as I kissed a sensitive spot.
"HEY FOUR HOW WAS DINNER????!" Our front door slammed open and there stood Zeke and Uriah.
"Oh well um I'm glad that it went well." Zeke slowly backed away as he realized what we were doing. He shut the door quietly and I turned back to Tris.
"Shall we continue this in our bedroom?"

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