Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Tobias POV

I woke with an alarm blaring in my ears and Tris wrapped tightly in my arms. Last night was the best I have slept in the past couple of days and I knew it was because of Tris. She lit up my whole world and could brighten every dark situation.
"UGH! Do we have to get up?"
"Do you want to skip breakfast?"
"Nope!" She popped the P and then struggled her way out of my still very tight grip. She walked over to her dresser, grabbed a few items of clothing and went into the washroom, closing the door behind her. A few moments later I heard the shower turn on. I, myself, decided not to shower and slid into a pair of jeans and a dark grey shirt. (lol I have no idea why I am going through their whole morning routine...) I walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when a knock sounded throughout the apartment. Tris was still in the shower so I began walking over to the door when Christina burst through the door looking panic-stricken.
"Christina!!! You can't come rushing into my apartment!"
"DUDE!!!! I can't find Tris!!" As she said this I head the shower click off and Tris hollering at me.
"TOBY WHERES MY TOWEL!!!" Christina raised an eyebrow at me and then looked confused.
"Its a nickname... from an old movie we both like as kids." I lied quickly, hoping Christina believed it.
"Oh ok.... well I guess I will see you at breakfast then." she turned on heel and raced from the room. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in.
"TOBIAS WILL YOU BRING ME A TOWEL!!!! THIS IS EXTREMELY COLD!!!!" I grabbed a towel that was hanging on the back of a chair and brought it into the washroom, without considering that my fiancee was standing in there naked..... She seems self conscious has I glanced her up and down and I wrapped her in the towel giving her a big hug as I did.
"Thank you." She hugged me back, soaking through the front of my t-shirt, but at that point I could care less.

skip in time! ok so this is when all the initiates find out final rankings and Tobias and Tris are all happy yadda yadda yadda

I watched as the final initiate's face flashed onto the screen. Chase, he was number 1, the top of the top.
"TRIS FOUR!!!!" Eve ran up to us, beaming the hugest smile I had ever seen on her face.
"Thank you so much for being the best instructors ever." I nodded and Tris stepped forward to hug her.
"Thank you for being one of the easier ones to train." She smiled and ran off to another group of people who welcomed her openly. Chase walked over to us, also grinning ear to ear.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome." I nodded at him in approval and shook his hand. Tris also smiled at him and said something that surprised me.
"Would you like to have dinner with us one night?"
"Sure!" I was surprised she asked this. We had only spoken about it once or twice, and when we did Tris never seemed totally on board with it.
"Can I ask why?" Chase asked after a moment of awkward silence. I spoke up this time.
"We had a similar home life while growing up and I really would like to help you train farther. Also I would like to discuss a few things." Chase nodded and then got yanked away by a group of friends.
"Why did you change your mind?" I asked while pulling Tris closer to me.
"Because I think it would be good if you took that kid under your wing. I think it would help both of you overcome the past." I smiled and nuzzled my face to her hair for a moment, before we walked hand in hand to our group of friends.

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