The All-star game

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Friday came and everyone was supposed to meet at Tommy and Scarlett's before they left. Tommy walked in his room as she sat at her vanity. She was fixing her hair and then sprayed perfume. He walked up and set a ring box in front of her.
"I am not marrying you a third time." She joked.
"Funny. Open the box." He said as he leaned against the vanity.
She opened it to see three stackable silver rings. One had a tiny M and the other had a tiny I and the last one had a tiny T. She smiled as she looked up at him.
"I love them, Tommy. Thank you."
She slipped all three on her left pointer finger and then stood up and kissed Tommy.
"And I love that dress." He said.

(Pretend she looks like Scarlett

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(Pretend she looks like Scarlett.)
She stepped back and did a little spin.
"Do you?" She said playing with him.
"Mhm." He said as he got closer to her.
She backed up as she talked.
"You're not worried about me showing off my legs in front of everyone?"
He shook his head as he walked her way. Scarlett ran her hand up her thigh, pulling her dress up a bit.
"Really?" She said.
Tommy ran his hand up her thigh and made eye contact.
"You know who those legs belong to."
His hand went further up her thigh and then he pushed her down on the bed. They were kissing and then Myles started crying. Scarlett stopped, but Tommy kissed her neck.
"Tommy." She laughed.
He kissed her lips for a minute and then she pulled away.
"Our son is crying." She said.
"He's a boy. He'll understand one day."
"Tommy Shelby." She said and he knew she was serious.
He rolled over on the bed and groaned. Scarlett got up and slapped his thigh.
          "Not funny." She said with a small laugh.
She got Myles and made her way downstairs because everyone started to arrive. Ash was right with Scarlett as the family filled in. She was his favorite.
          "I was waiting for you upstairs." Tommy whispered.
          "You would've been waiting all day."
She gave him a quick kiss and walked over to the girls.
          "That's not funny, Scarlett."
          "Love you." She joked.
          "What's not funny?" Arthur asked as he walked up.
Tommy pointed at Scarlett.
          "That sarcastic tease over there. She's not funny."
The girls were mid conversation when Scarlett went silent. The girls all looked at the door as Scarlett mumbled in Italian. Michael and Gina were standing right inside the door. Tommy saw Scarlett's expression and then saw the two at the door.
          "Shit." Arthur said.
          "I told him he couldn't come if he brought her." Tommy said.
          "He just keeps disobeying you, brother. He's becoming a problem."
          "I know."
          "Angel face is pissed."
          "Yeah, wait until she finds out Greta will be at the game too." Tommy said.
Michael and Gina walked towards the group.
          "Why don't you take a'll last longer." Gina spit at Scarlett.
Ash growled as he got closer to Gina.
          "It would be the perfect one to use at your funeral." Scarlett said as she walked right by them.
Arthur laughed as Michael and Gina looked offended. Scarlett passed Bella and Finn as she went up the stairs.
          "Scarlett what's wro—" Finn stopped as he saw the two and he knew.
Tommy got in Michael's face.
          "What did I fucking tell you?"
          "She's my fucking wife, Tom."
          "And she's not welcome here like I told you over the phone, but I don't fucking listen and do what you're told."
Gina went to slap Tommy, but Michael stopped her because he knew what would happen. Tommy made eye contact with her.
          "You should've let her do it."
          "Next time...I will." She said.
          "Go ahead."
Tommy smirked and then walked upstairs. Scarlett was pacing in their bedroom as Ash sat near the door, ready to attack. She looked at Tommy and threw her hands up and spoke in Italian.
          "I have no idea what you just said."
          "Trying to be a better person sucks. It fucking sucks. I just wanted to hit her. Knock that fucking smirk off her face."
Tommy thought it was funny and cute when Scarlett got like this. She would get so mad and just ramble on.
          "What do I do with all this anger that builds up if I can't hit someone? How do I get rid of it? Is it hot in here? I think it's hot in—"
Tommy stopped her from rambling by kissing her. It worked every time. They pulled away and made eye contact. She took off her dress.
          "Scarlett, we don't have time."
She undid his belt and pushed him on the bed.
          "Make time."
Tommy helped Scarlett get rid of the anger for a little bit and then they got dressed. She was completely zen now and no one could ruin it. She got Myles out of his room and they walked downstairs.
          "Feel better?" Ada asked.
          "Much better."
Tommy smirked and then everyone got in the cars and drove to the ballpark. They got to their box seats and Greta and her family were already there.
          "Oh's mother of the year." Greta said to Scarlett.
She didn't flinch as she just walked right passed her. Her and Tommy sat down. He pulled her in for a kiss as Greta watched. A man came up to the Shelby family.
          "Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, you are needed down on the field."
Tommy and Scarlett gave each other a weird look and then got up. They took their kids and the men that came.
          "Oh my God." Finn mumbled.
          "Is that Babe Ruth?" Arthur said as they got to the field.
Babe held his arms out and smiled.
          "Scarlett Jade!"
He hugged her and then looked at Myles in her arms.
          "And who is this?"
          "My son, Myles...that's my daughter Bella, and this is Tommy Shelby, my husband."
Babe shook hands with Tommy.
          "Our brother just shook hands with Babe fucking Ruth." Arthur whispered to Finn.
          "Ahh he's the one your father talked about. He said you were a good man. Good...good...I hated that boxer you were with. He was a prick." Babe said.
Babe pointed at Bonnie.
          "And you're the world champion boxer that beat him. Big fan."
Bonnie's face lit up.
          "Thank you, Mr. Ruth...I'm a huge fan of yours."
Babe looked back at Scarlett and Finn walked over.
          "Can I hold him?"
Scarlett handed Myles to him and Babe lifted him up in the air.
          "Babe Ruth is holding our son." Tommy whispered.
Scarlett thought it was cute that Tommy was star struck. Next thing they knew, a man hugged Scarlett from behind.
She turned around and Lou Gehrig stood there. She smiled as she hugged him and then introduced him to Tommy, Bella, and Finn. Babe back walked over after he talked to Arthur and the other men.
          "Did you steal a baby?" Lou joked.
          "He's ours." Scarlett smiled.
Lou stood next to Babe and they looked at Myles. Babe put his hat on Myles and the baby just smiled.
          "Oh yeah...he's gonna be a baseball player. He's special." Babe said.
          "He's going to break all your records...if I don't first." Lou said.
Babe laughed.
          "That's a good one."
Lou bent down and talked to Bella for a minute and then he gave her a baseball.
          "Thank you!" She smiled.
Finn put his arm around Scarlett as Tommy talked to the baseball players.
          "She really loves you, Finn."
          "She's my favorite girl." He smiled.
          "Until you get a girlfriend. She will be heartbroken." Scarlett joked and they both laughed.
          "Thank you for letting me move in. I love it there and I know I'm Bella's uncle, but I like feeling like an older brother. It's the first time somewhere felt like a home and not just a house."
She smiled and then hugged him.
          "Tell Tommy that and I'll deny it."
          "My lips are sealed." She laughed.
Lou played with Bella for a bit and then stood back up. Myles was back in Scarlett's arms.
          "I'm hitting a home run just for you, Capone." Babe said.
          "You better."
          "Find us after the all can come to the after party." Lou said.
Their coach yelled at them to warm up.
          "We'll see you later." Babe said.
          "Good luck." Scarlett smiled.
They kissed her on the cheek and then ran off. The group got back to their seats. All the guys were so excited that they just met two of the best baseball players in the world. Tommy shook his head.
          "Do you just know the whole team?"
She smirked.
          "Scarlett, you need to get one of these. They are so good." Ada said as she held her drink up.
          "And how many have you had?" Tommy asked.
          "One, Karl is with me." She said as she cut her eyes at him.
          "I'll go get you one." Tommy said to Scarlett.
"Mommy, I have to go to the bathroom." Bella said.
Tommy took Myles and then the girls walked off. Bella used the bathroom and Scarlett was making sure she washed her hands as a familiar woman walked up to wash hers.
"May! How are you?"
"A little embarrassed if I must admit. I'm sorry for saying those things about Tommy to you..I didn't know you were his wife."
"There's no need to be embarrassed. I should've said something."
"How could you when I just kept going on and on."
Scarlett gave her a half smile.
"Tommy told me you two like horses. You should come over and look at all the ones we train."
"I will definitely give you a call." Scarlett smiled.
She walked out with Bella and went to the private bar and concessions. A man watched their every move from the corner. She got Bella some candy as her drinks were being made. The man walked up to the two girls. Scarlett immediately felt like something was wrong. She put her arm around Bella and moved her, so she wasn't facing the man.
"Tommy Shelby is your husband right?" He said.
Scarlett said a sentence in French, hoping he would believe she couldn't speak English.
"Enjoy the game." He said and then walked away.
Scarlett grabbed her drinks.
"Hold on to my dress, Bella."
The two quickly went back to their seats and she handed Tommy and Finn their drinks and sat between them. Myles reached for his mom.
"Tommy, I think something is going to happen."
He gave her a weird look and then she told him about the man.
"He had a white shirt on with black pants. He had some type of tattoo...I think a skull."
Everyone started cheering as the players from both teams ran out. Everyone set their drinks down and stood up. Scarlett had Myles in one hand and then a hand on Bella's chest. The crowd roared and you couldn't hear the person beside you.
"Tommy, I think we should leave." Scarlett said.
Tommy didn't hear her.
          "Tommy, we need to leave."
          "What?" He asked because he couldn't hear.
          "Now if you'll please join us in a moment of silence." The announcer said.
          "Tommy we ne—." She stopped when she heard the announcement.
The moment of silence was cut short by gunshots. Scarlett immediately held Myles tighter and pulled Bella down to the ground to shield her children's bodies. She yelled Tommy's name, but all she could hear were the terrified screams and gunshots. Everything was happening so fast, yet it felt like they were moving in slow motion. Myles and Bella were sobbing as Scarlett felt a hand grip her ankle and then fall.
          "He's been shot. Call an ambulance." Someone screamed.
          "He's not breathing." Someone else yelled.

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