A half day

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~~~Check out the updated visuals for the new characters!!! Hope you enjoy! Much love!🖤~~~

The next day came and the two woke up naked in bed. Tommy kissed Scarlett's neck.
"No threesome. I only want you and I don't want you with anyone else. Even if it's a girl."
She smiled and kissed him.
"Good. I feel the same way."
She had her head at his neck with her leg over him as he ran his hand down her back. Arthur busted through the door as he yelled and Tommy quickly covered Scarlett up.
"You let dad go? You just let him go with all of those wounds? He will bleed out and fucking die. Fuck...he's probably already dead." He yelled.
"Thanks for knocking." Tommy said.
"That's our father, Tom." Arthur screamed.
"The one that left you not once, but twice. Left us all and then he came back and made you believe he changed...and what did he do? He took money and bailed...again." Tommy yelled.
"He tried to kill Scarlett twice last night and he pointed a gun at my seventh month old...I should've put a bullet in his fucking head." Tommy yelled again.
Scarlett tried to roll off of Tommy and slip under the covers because it was awkward, but Tommy stopped her. Arthur was shaking his head.
"Look at yourself in the mirror, Arthur."
Arthur slowly walked to Scarlett's vanity and saw the bruise.
"That's what he did to you. He put that bruise on you, but that's nothing compared to what he did to your head...to your fucking heart. He was never a father." Tommy said.
Arthur stood there for a second and then just walked out. Tommy sighed and Scarlett kissed his neck and then his lips.
"Want me to make you feel better?" She asked.
She smirked and then continued. A while later they were dressed and ready for work.

(Pretend it's Scar)

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(Pretend it's Scar)

Tommy looked her up and down and then kissed her.
"I love summer." He said and then walked out.
Scarlett kissed Myles and then went downstairs to find Bella. Ash barked at Scarlett, which he never did. He wouldn't stop even when Scarlett said something. Tommy came down and he couldn't get him to stop either. Scarlett bent down and started to pet him.
"What is it boy?" She whispered.
He nuzzled his head into Scarlett's neck and her and Tommy shared a look.
"Where's Bella?" He asked.
Before Scarlett could answer, Kane ran in holding Bella as she laughed. He set her down and she walked over and ran her hand over Ash's back. He turned and licked her face and she stepped back and laughed. Bella was still light enough for Scarlett to pick her up, so Bella lifted her arms. She picked her up and they talked to her.
"We will be home late tonight, so you'll probably be asleep." Tommy said.
"But we will kiss you goodnight when we come in....and Ash can sleep with you." Scarlett added.
"Okay!" Bella smiled.
"I love you, Bella."
"I love you too, mommy."
Scarlett kissed her cheek.
"And what about me?" Tommy joked.
Bella laughed and reached for Tommy and he took her.
"I love you too, daddy."
"You better." He said and then kissed her forehead.
She giggled again and then he set her down. Scarlett walked over to Kane.
"See you at the pub tonight?" She said.
"I wouldn't miss it."
They discreetly fist bumped.
"Don't tell her any stories."
"I might."
Scarlett gave him a look and then he laughed. Chelsea walked up.
"And you're coming into the office at lunch right?" Scarlett said.
"That is if Tommy let's you take half a day."
"Oh don't worry about that." Scarlett smirked.
Chelsea nodded and then Tommy walked over. Ash ran and stood in front of the door as he started to bark again. He lightly pawed at Scarlett and she rubbed his head.
"I'll be back, buddy." She said.
They got outside and could hear him crying.
"What's wrong with him?" Scarlett asked.
"Same thing that happens to me when I'm not with you."
She kissed him and then they got to work. All the Shelby's were already there and the day went on. It was about lunchtime and Scarlett walked into Tommy's office and shut his door. She walked over and sat in his lap as she put an arm around his neck. She kissed his neck.
"What do you want, Scarlett?"
"Well you have me, my kids, and my last name, so what is it?"
"I can't just kiss my husband?"
She started to kiss him and he was losing this battle. He was trying so hard to pull away. Tommy finally pulled away and gave a small laugh as he looked at her.
"You can...you're just all about business when we're at work, so tell me."
"Can I have the rest of the day off? I want to take Chelsea shopping and show her around." She finally asked.
They made eye contact.
"And if I said no?"
"I'd still go. Asking was just an excuse to come in here and get you all worked up."
She ran her hand up his thigh and smirked.
"Looks like it's working." She said.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to his face as she laughed.
"You are evil, Mrs. Shelby."
She was about to say something sarcastic, but he kissed her before she could respond. He ran his hand and held up upper thigh as he kissed her. They were interrupted by Adam walking in. He was the new peaky blinder that hit on Scarlett at the Garrison.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Shelby."
Tommy looked at Scarlett in his lap.
"You will be at the Garrison later, right?"
"Yeah...I'll just be a few drinks ahead." She said and then kissed him.
She told him where they were shopping at and then got up.
"Do you need money?" Tommy joked.
"Good one." She laughed.
She started to walk out.
"Do you have your gun?" Tommy asked.
She turned to look at him.
"Which one?"
Scarlett turned back around and raised her eyebrows at Adam and he quickly looked down and moved. She laughed.
"Love you." She said as she walked out.
Chelsea arrived and the two girls left and sat down for lunch in a restaurant.
"I'm so glad you're here." Scarlett said.
"Me too. It's been way too long."
"You know...you and Kane could move here. Work here."
"Or....you could just move back home." Chelsea said.
"Honestly Chels, I've been thinking about it. I really miss home. I want my kids to see where I grew up."
Chelsea smiled.
"But I really want Myles to have an accent." Scarlett said and then both of the girls laughed.
"I don't blame you there."
They had a few drinks and talked. The girls left to go shopping. They were having the best time. Scarlett and Chelsea haven't been able to just hang out and talk like this in a long time. The two girls were in the same dressing room as the they were trying on lingerie. Scarlett had red on and Chelsea had royal blue on. They looked in the mirror and then at each other.
"And we're getting whatever we want tonight." Scarlett said.
"As if we didn't already." Chelsea said.
"If our marriages don't work out...we should get married." Chelsea joked.
"Deal." Scarlett laughed.
"It's so nice to finally be able to talk about my sex life with someone." Scarlett added.
"I bet."
"I can't talk about it or do this because he's Ada's brother and Polly's nephew. They don't want to know."
"Okay...but I want to know!" Chelsea said.
Scarlett laughed and then told her some things.
"He really does that for you? Most guys don't. Girl you are so lucky."
"He gets paid back." Scarlett laughed.
Chelsea hit her with a shirt.
"Good wife."
The two got dressed and bought a few items and moved onto the next store. They were trying on formal dresses just because. Scarlett took off her thigh holster and left in in the dressing room as she tried on dresses. Chelsea did the same. They came out in beautiful dresses as a Hispanic lady served them champagne.
"Kane and I are trying." Chelsea blurted out.
Scarlett had wide eyes as she smiled.
"Oh my God!! That's so amazing, Chels!" She said as she hugged her.
"Wait you aren't just messing with me and you're already pregnant are you?"
"No...I'm not pregnant...not yet." She smirked.
"I'm so happy for you...ahhh. You two will be great parents. I can't wait to see and hold the baby!"
"Thank you! I can't wait to be a mom." Chelsea said.
"Let's cheers to that."
The hit their glasses together and then downed their drinks.
"Enjoy alcohol while you can." Scarlett laughed.
They drank a few more glasses and talked about pregnancy. Scarlett stood up and stumbled.
"Woah...I knew my tolerance was down, but I didn't know it was that bad."
Chelsea stood up and had to hold onto the couch. She looked really sick.
"Scarlett, I don't feel so good."
"I don't either. I'm looking at four of you."
"Chels, I think we were drugged." She whispered.
They both reached for their guns and realized they were in the dressing rooms. The two girls struggled as they walked that way, but never made it. They passed out and a group of men carried them out and took them somewhere. The night carried on and the girls were supposed to be at the Garrison. Tommy and everyone else was already there and he was getting worried.
"Have you seen Scarlett or Chelsea?" He asked.
Everyone said no. Kane and the two uncles had just walked in and Tommy walked over.
"Are they already drunk?" Kane joked.
"They weren't at the house?"
"No, they were supposed to be here after they shopped."
Tommy put his hand on his head as he glanced around the room.
"They aren't here?" Carmine asked.
"Well then, where are they?" Kane asked.

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