Fight for you

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Scarlett threw clothes on and got to the hospital as fast as she could. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were tear stained. She couldn't hide it anymore. She got to the hospital and ran in. Scarlett got to Tommy's room and there he was. Sitting up and staring at her.
          "Did you really think I would ever stop fighting for you?"
She gave a small smile as she closed her eyes and tears fell down her cheeks.
          "What are you doing all the way across the room, Scar?"
She walked over and sat on the bed as they looked at each other. He wiped her tears away.
          "Eyes that are this beautiful should never be this sad." He said.
He pulled her in for a hug and held her tightly. They pulled away and she wiped more tears away.
          "I'm sorry...I just thought I was going to lose you."
          "You could never. Even if you tried." He said.
The doctor knocked on the door and walked in.
          "He's quite the fighter." She said.
Scarlett smiled at Tommy and held his hand. The doctor walked over and talked.
          "His numbers look better than they did when he was awake a week ago. I don't know how, but it's a miracle. If they still look this good...he can go home in a few days. We stopped the brain bleed completely and there's no sign of another one happening. You, Mr. Shelby, are expected to make a full recovery."
Scarlett smiled as she squeezed his hand, which made him smile.
          "Mrs. Shelby, you are more than welcome to stay here since it's so late."
          "Thank you for everything." Scarlett said.
The doctor patted Scarlett on the shoulder and smiled and then walked out. Tommy opened the covers and Scarlett slipped in. She looked at him.
          "What changed? What made you wake up?"
          "I felt your tear drop on my hand."
Scarlett kissed him and then they laid down. He had his arm around her and she rested her head on his chest.
          "You just had two brain surgeries and you're holding me." She said.
          "It's what we do. We forget to take care of ourselves, so we take care of each other. It's who we are, Scarlett." He said quoting her.
She lifted her head up and kissed him. The two actually got decent sleep because they were together. They woke up the next morning to Arthur walking in the hospital room.
          "I'm gonna need you two to put your hands over the covers." He joked.
Scarlett shook her head and then got up.
          "I'm surprised you have clothes on." Arthur said.
She mumbled in Italian and then walked into the bathroom.
         "Do you know what she said?" He asked.
         "I never know, but it all sounds so good." Tommy smirked.
Arthur looked at Tommy.
          "I'm glad you're back, brother."
          "Me too." Tommy said.
          "It's just us now. The last Shelby brothers." Arthur said quietly.
They both looked down.
          "She deserves a few weeks...months off from work." Arthur joked.
Scarlett walked out and they both stared at her.
          "What?" She asked.
Arthur grabbed her hand and she gave Tommy a weird look.
          "I'm sorry you had to do it all on your own. I'm sorry for shutting really kicked me in the ass when you yelled at us. That's what I needed."
          "You yelled at everyone?" Tommy asked.
          "She had to. We all needed to get our shit together. She was just like you."
Scarlett kissed Arthur on the cheek and Tommy wanted her to sit back in the bed with him. They were sitting up, leaned against the bed. He had his arm around her.
          "I'm going to get everyone. I'll be back." Arthur smiled and then walked out.
          "Just like me?" Tommy smirked.
          "Someone had to yell at them."
He smiled and then kissed her. Eventually everyone came in. Ada, Bonnie, Aberama, Polly, Isaiah, Linda, and Arthur. Polly smiled.
          "Oh it's so good to see this." She said to the couple.
Everyone talked for a long time and then they left the two.
          "I can't wait to go home." He said.
          "Yeah, you've got a few fans ready to see you. I think Francis might be more excited than our kids." She joked.
He gripped her arm.
          "Funny." He said and she laughed.
The day went on and Scarlett left to go home. The next two days went by fast. She spent everyday with him in the hospital and it was finally the day to take him home. She wore a sundress because they were Tommy's favorite.

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