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* Darnella's P.O.V *

I woke up from a long & crazy night. I was broken completely broken. I couldn't believe yesterday was Nena's & I anniversary & I slept with Sean after I slept with Nena. I can't believe I've done this again & she's been faithful to me this whole time.

I went into the kitchen, started cleaning & thinking about how I was gonna tell Nena what I done with Sean. I finished the dishes & began cooking breakfast for Nena. There was a letter sitting on the table from Nena.


I saw you sleeping peacefully so I didn't want to wake you. I went out for coffee with Shawn, I needed some time to think. If I don't come home don't get upset or worry because I'm fine.

love always, Nena.

I sled down onto the floor & pulled my legs up to my chest. The tears started to flow. I couldn't help but feel helpless & unworthy. I couldn't believe how I was treating Nena. I felt as if she deserved better, somebody worthy of her faithfulness. I needed to make things right, I needed to stop doing what I was doing because I love Nena & I really want to make things right with her.

* Nena's P.O.V *

"Hey baby. What's up?" I said to Darnella on the phone.
"Nothing, I was just wondering where you were?" Darnella asked worried.
"I left you a note, I'm out with Shawn." I said.
"Oh, okay. well when you get home we need to talk." she said crying.
"what's going on you alright?" I asked worried.
"I'll talk to you when you get home Nena." She was crying & breathless, i knew something was wrong.

I hung up the phone, hopped in my Range Rover & drove home.

I'm racing down the I-540 thinking if she's okay & what did I do wrong this time. Was it because I went out with Shawn or maybe because I went out with my sister & her boyfriend the other night. I didn't know what I'd done & honestly I hope that she say's she's pregnant. I really want a baby. I just hope it's not by that bitch ass nigga Alen.

I had always thought if we were to break up, I'd only want her to be with Sean. I mean he seems like a nice dude.

I pulled up in the drive way & hopped out. I ran into the house & saw Darnella balled up on the couch crying.

"What's going on Nella?" "I'm not going to beat around the bush I'm just going to come out with it & tell you what happened." she said wiping her tears away. "After we had sex for our anniversary... I went over to Sean's & well... we had sex." she said crying even harder. "How... what the fuck... when the fuck... Are you serious right now? I just took you back from when... I'm leaving Darnella! And I am NEVER coming back!" I shouted then left the house.

*Darnella's P.O.V*

5 weeks later...

I laid in bed wondering where Nena was. She's right to leave me I deserve it.

I rolled out of bed & walked to the kitchen for some Fruity Pebbles, I fixed my bowl of cereal & went to the couch then turned to Netflix.

My phone started ringing... It was Takeylia saying I'm outside in a text.

"Heeey Nell! I brought the stuff for Pink Panties!!" she screamed with excitement. "Does it look like I want some liquor? No, I want Wine." I said rolling my eyes taking a bite of my cereal.

"Why are you being so bitchy Nell?"
"Me & Sean fucked on mine & Nena's anniversary & well I told Nena & she left me. She said she was never coming back."

I threw my cereal away & sat on the couch crying hard. Keylia moved closer to me & starting rubbing my back comforting me.

"I'm a worthless piece of shit. Nena doesn't deserve me." I said wiping my tears away. "Nella, everybody deserves somebody. Nobody deserves to be alone. Every since you met Nena you've been happy-go-lucky Darnella. You need to quit what your doing to her. This is the second time you've cheated. Nena really loves you Nell."

I cried even harder at the though of Nena leaving me.

*Nena's P.O.V*

"What's up with you & me Paige?" "Yes, I'll date you Nena." I could sense her smiling through the phone.

"Let's go to the mall & get some lunch." She gave me the address to pick her up at, I put it in my GPS & hopped in the Range Rover.

I drove to her place which was only 5 minutes away.

"Well, well. don't you look stunning." "Thank you, I thought I'd dress nice just for you baby." She was wearing a pair of leggings, some all black Ugg boots & a crop top with the word "Studs" written across it.

"Nice shirt." I smirked & opened her car door. The ride to the mall was silent, I guess because the mall was just 4 minutes away from her place. I hopped out the car & opened her car door. I put my hand out & she took it.

We walked into the mall & there she was sitting at the table in the food court with Takeylia. I put my arm around Paige & with the other I grabbed her ass. Darnella ran into the bathroom with her head in her hands.

"Ow baby, that hurt." I smirked at her. "I'm sorry baby I just love yo booty." She looked at me & smiled.

"Ouu, baby let's go to Spencer's!" "What you need from there?" "Some dice." She smirked & I just laughed.

We were standing in Spencer's looking at Dice when I felt somebody tap on my shoulder, I turned & saw Darnella standing there with her hair tied up into a messy bun, the Nike's I brought her, a pair of MissMe jeans & A shirt that hangs over her shoulder & of course Takeylia was mugging me.

"Look I don't know what you think you're doing with this stank ass hoe. But if making me jealous is what you wanna do go head... Oh, hey Paige do me a favor & ask your brother how my pussy taste & tell him i'm pregnant."

I just stood there with my jaw on the floor... Speechless...

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