New friends.

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* Nena's P.O.V *

Malieah & Alieah was their name. I saw them at the club. They had on matching clothes so I could tell they were either twins or best friends. The short one was wearing blue jean high waist shorts with a white crop top showing her perfect belly, she had long weave to the middle of her back, & her make up was perfect the other one was about Darnella's height she had on the same thing but her hair was flat ironed with brown on top & blonde at the tips. It went down to her butt & she was the one that really caught my eye.

I stood there watching them & hoping one of them would notice me but they never did. Alieah walked over to the bar & left Malieah alone but not for long.

Darnella walked in & Malieah freaked when she saw her I could tell they knew each other by the way Darnella & her were talking & laughing.

I walked to the bar with Shawn & ordered a double shot of Hennessy. I threw it back & ordered another & another. I had six double shots & I told Shawn I was finished.

I was headed to the door when she bumped into me. "My bad lil' mama." She turned & it was Malieah. "No, I'm sorry that was my fault I should of been watching my back." Her voice made me want her even more. I walked out the door & before I left I heard her ask who I was. I didn't get the chance to hear the rest of the conversation.

I got in my Range Rover & drove to the Hotel.

* Malieah's P.O.V *

"Oh my God twin did you see her bump into me?" "Bruh, chill. I'm pretty sure it was an accident." "Oh hush! We had a moment just then you should of seen the look in her eyes!"

Darnella looked at me & rolled her eyes & says "that's my ex you know?" "Oh, really?" That's Darnella's ex!!?!?!! Holy fuck.

"Yeah, but were over. I could care less about her now." she was quite & she sounded lonely I know she misses her. "Are you sure you're over her? Cause I'll fall back." "No you go ahead. Were d-o-n-e."

I mean me & Darnella have been cool for a minute so I don't wanna hurt her by talking to Nena.

"Well, twin let's go I'm really tired & tipsy." Darnella frowns. "But I just got here. Stay for a while longer. Please?" "Just one more hour & we out."

We danced & drank for what seems like hours but was only thirty minutes. Me & twin got on the dance floor & the twerking began.

Hours pass & we finally get ready to leave. "Twin let's go get Denny's." "Alright we out. See you later Darnella." We said our good-byes & got in the car & headed to Denny's for breakfast.

* Darnella's P.O.V *

- The next day -

I miss Nena so so much. I want her back & now. I don't know why I treated her the way I did but God knows I'm sorry & I'd do anything to make things right.

Sitting in this big house all alone had me thinking out loud as if somebody were here to hear me. This isn't my house, this was Nena's house. She thought it would be nice for when we started our own little family but now it's just me & my pregnant self.

I still haven't told Sean that I was pregnant & I don't know if Paige had told him. "Hey Sean." His breathing seemed calm & it seemed as if he was relieved to hear from me. "Nella, don't... just don't! I know your calling about the baby & I'm very..." His voiced trailed off & then he said "I'm very happy. Why didn't you tell me on your own?" "I was scared that you would leave me like the last time I got pregnant & lost the baby..." "Darnella, that was a mistake. We were only 15 & neither of us was ready for a baby, we were still babies ourselves. We're grown now & I'm ready for a baby." I couldn't help but notice how much he'd cared about me & this baby.

After talking with Sean on the phone I suddenly felt wanted again. Nena wanted me & loved me but I felt wanted by a man for the first time in years. A knock at the door took me away from my thoughts.

"Hold on I'm coming." I reached for the door & standing outside was... Nena.

"Uh... Um... hey Darnella." She was beaten up like she had been jumped. She had blood all over her face with scratches on her neck & blood covered her entire shirt.

"Oh my God Nena. Come in & let's get you cleaned up." She looked surprised at my reaction but I didn't care how many times I'd hurt her, I would always be there for her when she needed me the most.

We entered the bedroom & into the bathroom, she pulled her clothes off as I ran her some bath water. She sat down in the water & it was quite. No talking, no water movements, no anything.

"I'm sorry you had to find out about the pregnancy the way you did." she looked at me through her long eye lashes "No, I'm happy for you Nell & I hope Sean will do the right thing by taking care of the both of you." I frowned at the thought of being with Sean. I didn't want him, I wanted Nena.

I reached for the alcohol & a towel to clean her scars. She jumped like she was scared of being touch like this beating she got wasn't just a beating it was something more.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" As I was cleaning her body the tears started to fall in her bath water. "Nell, please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry. please stop." I couldn't, just thinking about how I done her & now she's been beaten & God knows what else.

"I brought you something." She pointed at her pants & told me to reach in the right pocket for a small box. I pulled the box out & she told me to open it. Inside was a Silver necklace, it had 10kt diamonds with my name engraved but in pink diamonds.

"I...." I didn't know what to say this necklace must of costed a fortune. "I can't take this Nena." "Why?"

There it was the question left to be unanswered. I just couldn't, I've hurt her too badly. "Nena, I can't." She let the water out of the tub & stood up grabbing a towel to wrap herself in.

"Now, If you don't take this then.... I'll make you take it & the way I'm feeling right now I know I can make you take it." She smirked at me. She had the I'm-gonna-fuck-the-shit-out-of-you look on her face. "Nena Torres. No."

She walked towards me but I backed away. "You're running from me." she frowned & I started to cry again. I'm no good for her, she deserves better & I'm not the one for her.

"Please Darnella. Stop crying. I'm here & I promise I'm not leaving ever again." Her words made me feel different. She was serious... Nena was serious..

We laid in bed together talking about our future, Nena wanted to be in my baby's life just like Sean but I don't think Sean will approve of that. Nena pulled me into her arms & I went to sleep dreaming about my baby.

When I woke up It was 9:00 at night, I must of slept the day away. I rolled out of bed & went to the bathroom. I left the bathroom & walked down the hall. I could smell roast, potatoes, & corn bread in the kitchen. Nena made us dinner... I thought she couldn't cook?!

"You're finally up? How did you sleep?" I sat down at the island in the kitchen. "I slept good besides the fact that you weren't there when I woke up." I frowned. "Why are you frowning? I told you I'm not leaving. I meant what I said." It was official Nena still love & cares for me.

Regret is now sitting on my big forehead with a huge L written on top of it. Why am I this way? Who made me this way? Why did I wish I was never born? These questions left unanswered.

We sat at the island & ate dinner, no conversation happened just chowing down on the food. It was delicious & my baby was satisfied after a second plate.

"I'm really tired. Are you coming to bed with me?" I sat my plate in the sink & waited for her answer. "I'm going to do the dishes & watch Netflix for a bit, I'm not really sleepy. I won't be long." I frowned & walked to the bedroom holding my stomach.

I pulled off my pants & threw some shorts on with just my bra to sleep in. I laid down & began to cry myself to sleep. I know Nena said she was back & never leaving again but I'm completely disgusted in myself. I just want to be different & a better person. I cried & cried until I finally drifted to sleep.

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