She's sneaky.

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* Alen's P.O.V *

"What?" I packed my papers into my suitcase. "Are you fucking serious.... The same wanna be stud from South Central High.... Find her & bring her to the trap house on the west side..."

I left the office & called AliZae. "Hey baby."

"What the fuck is Darnella thinking? She's marring that wanna-be ass nigga?!" I pressed my foot on the gas & took off on the highway. "Baby, I don't know."

"She is, Shawn just called me. Little do that bitch know Shawn only hanging with her to get information out of her."
"Alen, calm down. What are you so mad about? You have me."
"Bitch, I don't give a fuck about you. I'm only with you because of your deep throat."
"Alen, stop now. You're only saying shit out if anger. We're getting married soon don't fuck this up."

"Darnella will not marry that motherfucker & you are gonna make sure it doesn't happen! You understand?"
"Yes daddy, I'll make it happen right now."

I know what y'all is thinking what happened to Sharnelle, well that night I said Darnella looked good, Sharnelle beat the hell out of me & then left me.

That's when I met AliZae walking out of the Gas station with the little ass shorts on, a white crop top & Jordan's. She looked amazing but then I realized I just wanted some head from the bitch. She wasn't that kind of chick she wanted to go on dates & shit like that.

Well, I ended up proposing to the bitch & we will be getting married soon.

*Darnella's P.O.V*

"Good morning daddy. I cooked breakfast." It was bright as fuck outside & for some reason I felt like today was going to be a good day. "Thanks lil' mama." she smacked me on my ass & ran to the kitchen giggling like a like a little girl.

I almost forgot that today I go to find out what I'm having. Ooh, I'm excited. "Baby, did you see that bra in the bathroom?" She laughed. "The one with boob milk in it?" She laughed even harder.

"That's not funny." I pushed her with my butt. "Don't tease me with that. I'll bend you over this table."

"Why do you do that? All that ain't even called for." I placed our dishes into the sink & went to the living room & turn on Body Party by Ciara.

"Come & sit. Now!" she done as she was asked & sat in the chair. I walked over to her & I started to move. My hips moved in rhythm with the beat of the song. I grind & grind until my belly started to get in the way. I turned around & started to move like I was riding until I couldn't ride no more.

She picked me up & kissed me hard in the mouth. I let out a soft moan. She put me down on the couch.

What? Nooo!!!

"Baby, seriously?" I started to pout. "Yep, it's almost time to go to the doctor's. Let's go shower."

"My feet hurt Nena." I slid my sandals off & Nena started to rub my feet. "When we get home your whole body gonna be hurting when I get finished with you." She smirked.

"Ms. Kell, right this way." We walked to the back & I could feel myself getting nervous. "Nell, you okay?" I glanced at her through my eyelashes. "Yeah, I'm nervous."

I got on the hard bed & laid back on the soft pillow. The doctor started rubbing gel on my belly & took the stick & rubbed around my belly. There were my two babies. I started to cry, I couldn't believe I was pregnant with two babies & I was happy.

"Are you ready to find out the gender?" I glanced at Nena who was staring at the screen with my babies on it. "Yes."

The doctor moved the stick thingy around my stomach & there they were. "They are twin girls."

Nena fainted. "Oh my God! My babies are girls!" I screamed for joy as the tears rolled down my cheeks. "Um, can we get someone in here..... Someone just passed out on the floor..... Yes.... Quickly!" The doctor got down to make sure Nena was okay.

* later that night *

* Nena's P.O.V*

"Shawn, my nigga. Wassam?" I sat down on the stool across from her. She looked different, her dreads had been dyed a different color, she was wearing polo & Levi jeans with a brand new pair of Jordan's. She's way too broke to be wearing what she has on. "Aw, mane ya know I just been here & there. How you been?" I stared at her, "I'm good bro, I just been chilling. I just found out today that my girl is having twin baby girls."

"Awh man! Thats what's up. Have y'all picked any names yet?"
"Nah bro." I moved in my seat nervously. "So how's life man? I see you ran into some money." I said pointing at everything new she had on.

"Well, not really.... uh, um..." Why the fuck is she stuttering? This nigga up to some shady ass shit. "I uh, got me a um job."

I stood up, "I'm finna go to the bathroom real quick."

I returned from the bathroom to see Shawn standing waiting for me to take my seat. When I sat down she pulled a gun out & said "Don't say a mothafucking thing or I'll blow yo fucking brains out."

"Pull the gun out from your waist & sat it on the floor. Kick it over to me." I done as I was told. "Stand up & walk towards the door." I done as I was told, I folded my arms onto my chest & walked out the door.

* Darnella's P.O.V *

Last night at dinner the twins didn't take the pregnancy so well... I think they were disgusted honestly.

Nena haven't called to check in all day & I was beginning to worry. I don't know who she's with or what she's doing.

Maybe I should call her & check on her. *You have reached the voicemail box of Nena Torres, leave a message after the beep.*

Oh no no no. something wrong because Nena never sends me to voicemail. What if she's hurt? Who is she with? Is she safe? No, I think her phone is dead. She'll find a way to call me. Everything's straight.

*Alen's Traphouse*

"Yous a bitch nigga dawg!" Nena's squirming in the chair. "My goons gone be here any minute to take yo bitch ass out!"

"Shut the fuck up Nena!" Alen's yelling *Slaps Nena*

"Every fucking body put yo mothafucking hands up! Or ima light this bitch up with my AK-47!" Sean came, but why they don't really get alone....

Sean shoots everybody in the room including Alen......

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