『 5 』

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One Week Later, I arrived at my job as I open the door, and Jin hyung runs at me " Jimin, What did you do the manager?" Jin said grabbing my hand, looking concerned as the manager comes out of his office just looking disappointed.

" Park Jimin, come here now!"

I gulped down my nervousness, walk into the office I already knew my job was going to yell at me for whatever reason." Jimin, I expected more from you to do something that" I could the angry in him.

"Boss, I have no idea what talking about" sounding and looking a bit confused about what's going on. My boss shows me the video of me throwing a cup at a customer then yelling at them. I was shocked that someone pulled up this video just to get me in trouble. I was wondering who had this video and why are they targeting me. I rolled my eyes because someone knows my background story. My boss eyes widen at me as I didn't realize that he saw me rolling my eyes whoops...

" Jimin! Did you just rolled your eyes at me?! Jimin the audacity to roll your eyes, do this to a customer, and maybe I was wrong to give this job. I'm sorry Jimin but I'm going to have to let you go" he sighs putting his hands on his hips.

When I heard the words " I'm going to have to let you go" I panicked as my eyes widen. He knew how much this job means to me, who would do this to me? Who's knows my background story? I've only told one person and... That's Sungwoon. Did Sungwoon tell someone? No! He couldn't right?

I walk out of the boss's office as Jin walks up to me. " Jimin, what happened?" Jin said sounding worried about me, he grips my arm tightly.

" Fine! Jin hyung... Just got fired..." I looking like I was about to cry

" Fired!? From what?" he said

I stopped and look at Jin hyung " From a stupid video t-that... Nevermind I have to go" Clearly I'm stupid for not telling Jin hyung about my past but I wasn't sure if I could trust him like could trust Sungwoon.

But... Maybe I should have he could have helped me with all this stress. " Jimin... Is something wrong?" he said looking like a worried emomma as I rolled my eyes and pulled his hands off of me walking out of the cafe. I walked to my car, slamming the car door, I'm recklessly driving to Sungwoon house as I opened the door. Sungwoon better gets ready because there's a storm coming his way as I busted through the door I saw a lot of people, they all were at me.

" Where's Sungwoon?" I try to ask calmly

" Who's asking?" a random person asked I did a disgusting glare at that person as the mister was walking closer to me.

" I don't time for this..." I mumbled as I walked past through the mister but he gripped my arm. I try to pull away from him someone punches him as he falls to the ground. It's the same guy from the cafe who looks like a cat.

" Thanks.."
"You're welcome" as he leaves

This afternoon, I got a text from Namjoon and Hoseok saying that the mission is complete then I got another text from Sungwoon saying " If you wanna gamble again" I smirked.


Sungwoon, just accept that you lost

Never! Now get your ass here


End In-text

Getting up from my seat taking my keys as I leave my house driving to Sungwoon place. As I opened the door I see Jimin here. Why the hell is Jimin here? Does Sungwoon know him? And what's the relationship between them? If Sungwoon won't tell me. I'll find out myself...

I see a random ass person pulling my Jimin, I ran over to Jimin punching him as he falls on the floor. Jimin looks at me with rage in his eyes, did he not wanted to be saved?

" Thanks.."
" You're welcome," I said walking off

Into Sungwoon room as Jimin walks somewhere— I had the intention to follow him but I decided not to because I came to gamble but... I turned around following Jimin eavesdropping on him.

Sorry if Yoongi did have a longer pov but if you're wondering how many words 767 words. I know it's not a lot because it's my first fanfic on Wattpad so... Don't want it to be so long💜

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