『 20 』

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" Jimin, he's not your boss like I said he's the mafia leader," Sungwoon said all nonchalant getting up from his seat.

" M-MAFIA LEADER??!! I shouted my jaw dropped well not literally but I was shocked, I couldn't believe it so... Wait- Sungwoon knew this... As my thought process was cut by Taehyung " Why did you come? A heavy sigh comes from my mouth.

" Did you not want to come to save your ass?! Wide glare turns towards him as he got quiet for a second. " Fair point- Taehyung was cut off by Yoongi.

" Jimin, let me explain- I cut him off rolling my eyes that he lied to me but I-I.. I also had somewhere feelings towards him.

" I don't need your excuse, Sungwoon let's go! I avoid eye contact with him and kept walking.

" About time- Sungwoon said but was cut off by Yoongi, we all looked up when Yoongi shouted "NONE OF YOU is FUCKING LEAVING!! Get them" Namjoon and Jungkook walk up to us two grabbings me and Tae while Yoongi takes out his gun shooting him in the head.


More tears fell from my cheek, trying to go to him but Namjoon gripped onto my arm. I yanked him making his grip lose for me to go to Sungwoon as I'm running over there.

" SUNGWOON PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES, WHY??! PLEASE WAKE UP, YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME WHO AM I SUPPOSE TO FIND!!! I started going through his pocket to hopefully find something. I noticed there was a paper once grabbed it and opened it I read those names.

" Taemin and Kai....- Who's that? How do I find them?...

" Take Jimin to room 350 and Renior to the basement" Yoongi made an order as he glared at everyone. Namjoon gripped onto my arm dragging me to this room, pitch dark ass room I couldn't see anything.

I forgot that I had my phone as I took that out texting Jin hyung " Come help me and Taehyung we've been kidnapped but don't call the police" my phone was at one percent of battery, it died on me after I sent it to him.

A/N: Sorry it has been a while seen I've posted was like in August I think...😅

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