I walked into Callum's house to tell Mia and Belle I was outskis.
I was in such a rush that I bumped right into Tohm Strider, captin of the varsity football team.
He was being held onto Kacey Ingram, varsity cheerleader.
Me bumping into him caused Kacey to trip over her high heeled feet and almost fall in the ground.
A big hearty laugh came from deep within Tohm's chest.
"Are you okay?" He asked, as he held out he arm to steady me.
"Watch it nerd. Who invited you anyways?" Kacey sneered.
I narrowed my eyes at her. "Callum did actually. And at least I was invited because the host likes me and not just because I'm the skanky wore who's fůcking his best friend." I said sarcasically back to her.
She made a disgusted face at me and threw her streaky blonde hair over her shoulder with with a *hmmpf* and tilted her nose up high.
Tohm jumped in. "Back off Kace, she didn't do anything wrong. Anyways," he turned back to me as he said, "you look really great tonight Krystal," as he scanned his eyes up and down my body. "...I hope your haing fun!" He smiled at me, just before he walked with Kacey outside.
I could hear her scoff as she stalked off behind him.
I rolled my eyes and continued into the party to find my friends.
I found Mia with Callum, hanging on his every word and Belle in a nearby corner looking exremly bored.
"So, uhmmm, I wanna bounce, this party is sucking right about now." I yelled into Belle's ear over the music.
She laughed. "Not having fun with Dom anymore?" She questioned.
"Ugh, no. He started to appologize, but then he tried to force himelf on me. It was just a repeat of the club. I fùcking hate that idiot."
"Wow. What a piece of trash. He's so creepy." She replied.
"Tell me about it. He tried to kiss me, and that's when I punched him, and tried to get away, but then he grabbed me telling me I owed him things, and was trying to force me to oblige. I didn't think I was gonna be able to get away, but one of the wolves that lives in the forest behind me came and jumped him. Scared the shit outta him, he even started to cry." I explained to Belle.
"OH EM GE! Hah!! That is priceless, I wish I was there to watch that. Would been more entertaining than this shit in here." She said, gesturing around to the couples grinding on the dance floor, or making out in the corners. "So what happened next? Did the wolf really hurt him? And how'd the wolf know you were in danger?" She asked.
"I'm not sure. He just showed up when I started yelling at Dom and struggling to get away. But, no, he didn't really hurt him. He may have left a small mark, but I think he was really just trying to scare him." I said.
"Hmmm. Weird, well at least the wolf stopped Dom from hurting you or taking advantage of you. Geeze, what a close call." Belle said.
"Yeah. So can we try to get out of here?" I asked.
"Let's go see if Mia's up to leaving." She said.
We walked over to where Mia was sitting on a couch with Callum.
"Hey guys! It's getting kinda late, and we're tired. You think you can resume this tomorrow?" Belle asked them.
Mia looked up with pleading eyes. She totally didn't want to leave yet, it was pretty obvious.

3000 Nights
Werewolf▪▪▪ They spent 3000 nights watching each other from afar. Both plagued by a sense of longing towards the other, girl and wolf. Stuck, on opposite sides of the playing field. Her in her house, and him in his woods. Do they belong together? Will th...