I saw her emerge from her back door.
She had grey cargo pants on and black boots with her camouflage hunting jacket on.
Looking at her as a wolf was different than when I got to look at her last night as a man.
She felt so far away, and out of reach when I was was a wolf.
But last night... last night she was right in front of me.
I was able to touch her, and hold her.
It was the most amazing feeling in the world.
Sparks danced on my skin as our fingers touched.
Fire licked at my core when I held her close as she fell asleep.
Better than just watching her from the forest floor....
I shook my head back to reality and looked at Krystal again.
It's funny, humans think that wearing camouflage makes them nearly invisible to animals but it's quite the opposite.
If the animal is paying attention to their surroundings it doesn't matter what the humans wear, we will see them.
But, if the animal let's it's guard down, it could be the end for them.
And of course it didn't matter what she wore.
I would always recognize her scent.
She was beautiful in the most natural way.
Everything about her nearly took my breath away.
I stood at the edge of the woods transfixed by the way her long wavy hair swayed from side to side as she walked.
It was like watching dandelions blowing in the breeze.
I closed my eyes to focus on her intoxicating smell.
Like the forest after a spring rain shower, mixed with the scent of wild flowers in the meadow nearby. Each step she took, another wiff of a different flower.
She walked through the trees following her normal path.
She knew where she was going.
But then she stopped.
Something caught her eye.
And I thought I was being perfectly still and quiet.
I realized I was slowly starting to follow her.
Wow. She could always make me forget who I was, and what I was doing.
She smiled.
My wolf and human self immediately started jumping up and down.
Our mate was soo damn perfect. Especially with a smile on her face.
She turned back around to continue walking on her path.
Of course she probably wanted to be alone and wouldn't want me following her while she drew and took photos, I would only be distracting.
So I stayed put.
She must have realized I stopped because she paused and turned to look at me. She gestured with her arm for me to follow.

3000 Nights
Werewolf▪▪▪ They spent 3000 nights watching each other from afar. Both plagued by a sense of longing towards the other, girl and wolf. Stuck, on opposite sides of the playing field. Her in her house, and him in his woods. Do they belong together? Will th...