It had been a few day since I actually saw him.
Pissed wasn't the right word.
Fuming? Enraged? Livid? Furious? Violently angry?
Maybe those adjectives described my temper more accurately.
Dejected, abandoned, deserted; that's really how I felt.
Like 4 days? Come on wolf.
I knew he was sulking silently in the depth of the woods, but I didn't know why.
These past few days I was extremely terrible to anyone and everyone around me.
When I realized my wolf was ignoring me, I snapped.
How could he leave me like this?
I woke up late for school this morning because I was awake all night waiting, just WAITING for my wolf to make an appearance.
I ran downstairs running around trying to get out the door as quick as possible.
"Krys, do you think you can take the garbage out on your way to school? And maybe get some milk and eggs on the way home?" My mom asked.
Was she kidding me?
Did it look like I had a second to spare at the moment?
I needed to leave. Like yestersay.
"Uhhhmmm, no mom, I don't have time. I'm literally going to be so late. Yeah sure I'll get some milk later though." I forced out through gritted teeth.
"Honey, what's wrong with you? You've been acting really rude the past few days and I'm getting sick of it." She replied, mildly angry at my attitude.
"Ugh mom, I'm just stressed. With school, like midterms and college applications and stuff. You know. Sorry. Love you, gotta go bye!" I rushed out as I sped out my back door and jumped into my car.
I arrived to school about 3 minutes before the bell to be in class.
Belle and Mia were waiting for me in 1st period Math, which luckily we shared together, because otherwise I'd literally have killed myself listening to Mrs. Ryan drone on about a2 +b2= c2...
Like no. I'll never use this shįt again in the future.
I've already promised myself of this.
Anyways. I rushed into class and plopped into my seat with a wooosh.
"Girl, what's with you? You've been coming to school pretty late the past few days." Belle whispered.
"Yeah, staying up super late talking to some cute guy?!" Mia asked while wiggling her eyebrows up and down like an idiot.
"Hah. I wish. No. Just studying and stuff. I've been applying to some colleges. And doing some writing and portfolio stuff." I answered.
"So, Callum is throwing a super big winter fest party this weekend like literally, every night of break. Or so he says. His parents are going to be in the Bahamas or something, and since we have winter break, we have nothing to do! Except party!" Mia said while laughing.
I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, no. I hate Callum and that whole crowd actually. Why would I want to party with them? None of them even like us. They've never been nice to any of us. And I don't even like partying. I left the club early on my own birthday because I was having zero fun." I replied annoyed.
"Why are you such a party pooper? Like people are finally starting to be nice to us. And we're seniors and come on, Callum invited all of us." Mia said.

3000 Nights
مستذئب▪▪▪ They spent 3000 nights watching each other from afar. Both plagued by a sense of longing towards the other, girl and wolf. Stuck, on opposite sides of the playing field. Her in her house, and him in his woods. Do they belong together? Will th...