I bounded into my house, storming up the stairs and into my room as quickly as possible.
I stripped out of this terribly uncomfortable dress and sky high high heels throwing on a pair of my flannel pajama bottoms and my favorite warm and bulky NY Yankees sweatshirt.
Ahhh. There, that's better... More comfotable.
I flopped down on my bed and my mind reeled with the events that had taken place over the last 5 hours.
Still not being able to believe Dom had actually touched me so pervertedly and tried to dance with me like that.
Then my mind wanered to my wolf.
I still hadn't gotten over the incident that happened in my backyard, with the rest of his pack.
And I yelled at him! My poor wolf. But then he followed me. And brought me home when I needed him,
I still didn't fully understand. After 10 years, and I still didn't understand our connection. It just made no sense.
Because I have two dogs, but it's not the same... I love both my Golden Retriever and Chocolate Lab, and I'm pretty sure they love me back.
But the connection is not the same.
While I laid on my bed I contemplated the big picture and wondered what my wolf really thought of me?
Why did he follow me? Why did he watch me?
Maybe I'll never know.
As I started to drift in and out of conciousness, I fell asleep to the vision of cold blue eyes as deep as the ocean
I woke up with a start. My body was sticky and sweaty. I glanced at my clock, 3:04.
Shit. I wanted to go up to my attic to see my wolf.
There was still had a few hours before dawn.
I put my coat and boots on and quietly walked up to my attic.
I walked around all the boxes and junk hazardly placed around the floor.
I went to the door leading to the balcony. Unlocking it, I opened the door and grabbed an old office chair to bring out with me.
The balony wasn't really finished. It was really like a big ledge off the side of our house. My mom always went on about how she wanted to put a railing around it and put nice furniture out here, but we never got around to it.
It didn't bother me, I just used whatever I found to sit on or lay on.
So I took the beat chair and an old blanket and went out onto the ledge.
As I slept a light dusting of snow blanketed the world.
Snow meant I got to keep my wolf longer.
Once it started to melt I knew there was only limited time left with my wolf.
The late spring and summer meant only being able to feel his presence, but never to see him until the freeze of winter.
I never undrstood this. But it was part of my life. My routine, his routine. He left for the summer, and came back for the winter; but I knew he was never that far away.
I sat down in my chair and gazed out into the forest. The night was dark, and moonless with clouds covering any sign of light from above.
I looked down to the edge of the wood and could only make out his eyes and a faint outline of his body.

3000 Nights
Про оборотней▪▪▪ They spent 3000 nights watching each other from afar. Both plagued by a sense of longing towards the other, girl and wolf. Stuck, on opposite sides of the playing field. Her in her house, and him in his woods. Do they belong together? Will th...