Copyright © LiteraryMusician, Alexandria L. Muller, 2015
All Rights Reserved ® LiteraryMusician, Alexandria L. Muller, 2015
Header by: FictionalSemantic
▪▪▪The winter I turned 8 my life changed forever. It was brutally cold that winter. I think we had record breaking snowfall that year.
There wasn't much to do since school kept getting canceled, and the sun set early. I mostly played inside by the fire with my little brother, or sat by the window looking out into the forest while reading or drawing.
On one particular night though, everything changed. I remember it as clearly as if it were yesterday.
That day was 10 years ago.
My mom had made a blazing warm fire in the fireplace after me and my brother came inside from playing in the snow. I felt my cheeks and nose start to thaw as I snuggled under a blanket near the fire. I breathed in the scent of pine from the wood burning in the hearth as I looked out the window into the woods behind our house.At first all I saw was our snow covered land. Tall pines covered with snow and ice.
But then all of a sudden to there was blurs of grey, black, brown, yellow and gold. Moving in and out behind the trees.
Of every color and size. They moved fast, but silently and gracefully. If you weren't really studying the woods, you'd miss them gliding seamlessly between the trees.
I stared, captivated by their wild beauty. Then one of them stopped running. He looked right at me. Through the window and into my living room and it felt like, straight into my soul.
*That was the moment my life changed forever, whether I realized it at the time or not.*
And how did I, an 8 year old girl know I was looking at a boy wolf?
I didn't; but I did. Before this moment I had only seen pictures of wolves in books or my imagination.
But I just knew.
His light blue eyes stuck out from the rest of his packs common golden yellow, or brown colored eyes.
Blue like a cloudless summer sky. Electric blue, like the Caribbean's warm salty oceans.
His fur was a deep midnight black, white light wisps of a snowy grey under his neck and paws, as well as around his ears and tail. The grey highlights didn't take away from the majority of his fur being black as coal. Most of the wolves in his pack had Brown or sandy colored hair. Some were grey. Only a handful were black. Including this one.
He was frighteningly beautiful. But I didn't feel afraid as he watched me from the edge of the woods.
I felt light. My stomach fluttered and flipped with butterflies.

3000 Nights
Werewolf▪▪▪ They spent 3000 nights watching each other from afar. Both plagued by a sense of longing towards the other, girl and wolf. Stuck, on opposite sides of the playing field. Her in her house, and him in his woods. Do they belong together? Will th...