Chapter 8: Like a Fish

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Rose was in grade 12, so random plans popping up was her worst nightmare. She liked planning out when she was going to do her homework, how much time she would have, and how much she could do in a day.

Her sister could give less of a shit about that.

The only heads-up she got was her sister asking her if she had any homework the night before.

"Not really, just a few worksheets. Why?" She asked, watching her sister hop around the room trying to get dressed because she was late for work - yet again.

"Just don't make any plans for tomorrow night," Alli said and ran over to kiss her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that, she was gone for the rest of the night.

The next day, Alli picked her brother and herself up from school. When they settled into the car, her sister threw a stack of papers into her lap.

"We are leaving at 5, be ready by then." She said, pulling out of the parking lot.

She read the top paper.

DWT vs SMB @ 7:30 pm, Drinkwater Memorial Auditorium, February 8th, 2020. Will Call tickets - pick up at the door day of.

"No friggin way." She looked at Alli, who was waving some 9th graders across the road at the intersection. "We are going to Drinkwater?"

"Yup." Her sister grinned. "We are gonna go watch Jake."

"Why the FUCK would you surprise me with this?" Rose demanded. "I had my whole weekend already planned out!"

"I told you not to make plans! You are going to see your boyfriend. I am going to find a cute Drinkwater boy to hit on, adjust your plans. You don't have a choice." Alli shrugged as she focused on not hitting any of the high schoolers j-walking.

"Alli, you are literally the worst sister ever."

"Love you too!"

"Am I coming too?" Her brother piped up from the back seat.

"Duh." Alli made a face at him in the review mirror.

"Yesss." He pumped his fist and pulled out his phone.

"See, he is happy. Why aren't you?" Alli pointed out.

"I am literally going to kill you."


3 hours later, they were in the Drinkwater arena, trying to figure out where the hell their seats were.

"It says to go up! I don't see any stairs to go up anywhere!" Her sister huffed. "I am going to ask another guard. These people are useless."

She shook her head and pulled out her phone as her sister waved her ticket around in yet another old man's face. Even if she didn't admit it to her sister, she was extremely happy to get the chance to see Jake play again. Her sister knew her better than anyone, and she knew that she would love this. She couldn't be mad at her sister for being right.

Me: You aren't going to guess where I am going.

Jake: Getting bubble tea for the third time this week?

Me: Don't be rude.

Those were messages from hours ago. He wouldn't be on his phone now, that was for sure. She was going to see him soon enough.

Her sister popped back up in front of her. "Okay, so apparently, there is an elevator behind that stand over there."

She waved over to the popcorn stand. "From there, we should be able to get to our seats."

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