Chapter 11: A Trombone Player Loves Me

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Wednesday during lunch, she got a text from Leo, in the middle of her friends arguing about if socks should be worn with slides.

(Majority vote: Only if you need to change quickly into another pair of shoes, then yes, otherwise, hard no).

(Leo)nardo Dicaprio: You have a spare this sem right?

Me: Yes, why?

(Leo)nardo Dicaprio: When do you have it today?

Me: Last period.

(Leo)nardo Dicaprio: K get your stuff together, we are driving to Foxside tnight

Me: You were serious about that?

Why would Leo want her to come along? Their friendship was still a little rocky, especially with all this fake business stuff. Maybe she was the only one who saw it that way.

(Leo)nardo Dicaprio: Ofc we wanna test out the car

Me: If we break down in the middle of nowhere, i am going to kill you

(Leo)nardo Dicaprio: That's fine, i am sure we can hitch a ride back on a cow or sumthin

Me: Kk see you at 1:15 🐮

(Leo)nardo Dicaprio: Okay

"Who are you texting?" Ivy asked, kicking her outstretched legs.

"No one, nothing." She said and put her phone down, staring at Ivy. "Ouch."

"It got your attention didn't it?" Ivy replied and stuck her tongue out at her.

Ivy and Clara were the only ones outside of her and Leo who knew about the fake relationship. She wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. Outside of them, it would be hard to control what they told who, and it was way too likely that word would get back to Rachel. Besides, Ivy did not need to know all the ins and outs. Who she texted was between her and them.


Leo and Jesse pulled up into the student parking lot at 1:15 sharp in the old Toyota Camry that Jesse had been working on for months.

Jesse was smiling smugly in the driver's seat while Leo waved at her from the passenger side.

She rolled her eyes and opened the back door to throw her stuff in before jumping in and getting settled as they pulled off.

"So why Foxside?" Rose asked as soon as they pulled onto the highway. She had to admit, Jesse did a great job with the car. The seats were covered in soft velvet covering, and the drive was smooth and steady. You couldn't even tell that the car had been unable to leave the driveway less than 6 months ago.

"I really wanted food from this local restaurant the team used to go to all the time after games," Leo said, shuffling to turn around to look at her. "So Jesse decided it would be the perfect time to test out the car."

"And you dragged me along because?" Rose asked again, faking anger.

"You are really questioning free food from a dear friend?" Leo feigned hurt. "You hurt me, Rose."

Rose rolled her eyes, but the term dear friend hit her a little harder than he probably intended.

However, now there were faking dating, and she couldn't work out any of these feelings because she had to keep Rachel away from the team. Her feelings came second to this important role she was playing. That's what she told herself anyway.

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