Alternative Chapter 16: Is That a Yes?

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7 games. They took the series to 7 games.

She could only get standing room tickets because it was Saturday night in Drinkwater. The freaking Blueshirts were one win away from winning their first title since 2008.

She felt like she couldn't breathe the whole game. They stayed tied at 2 going into the third, but the Bridgedale Generals were getting way more chances than the Blueshirts were.

Every shot, she squeezed her sister's arm while Alli stood beside her, losing her mind too, but it was only evident through the constant bouncing of her leg.

Then the worst thing that could happen during a game 7 during the final series happened.

They went to sudden death overtime.

If she wasn't holding on to her sister, she was sure she would have passed out.

As time wound down, with every chance each team got, she was sure she was going to lose her mind.

Then with 3:23 left on the clock, Jonathan got a breakaway, and the whole arena went crazy. It felt like it happened between breaths, he put the puck neatly over the goalie's left shoulder, and the goal horn sounded.

The arena got louder than it had been all game, which she didn't know was possible. People were losing their minds as the Blueshirts jumped into the ice to jump on Jonathan, and Jake threw his equipment into the air as the rest of the team jumped on him.

She and her sister were screaming like there was no tomorrow, both on the verge of tears. They were so happy and excited, they didn't know how to act. People around them were screaming and crying, too, so they just cheered and celebrated as the team celebrated and confetti rained down around them.

Jake looked so damn happy down on the ice, and she felt more tears coming on. This was everything that he wanted and everything she wanted for him. She couldn't believe it was finally happening.


The only warning Jake got before she ran as fast as her heels could carry to jump into his arms was her yelling his name from down the hall.

His sister jumped out of the way just in time, so she didn't slow her momentum at all. She ran full force into Jake, but he was ready, knees bent and everything. He grabbed her and did the whole pick her up and spinning her thing, and it was just one thing on the long list of things that had made her happy that night.

When he finally put her down, she squeezed him again in a hug, not caring about how gross it was that his back was a little wet. He won, they won, he was a Provincial League champion. Finally.

She looked up at him in a way she could only imagine would be described as beaming. Well, as much as she could through her probably severely messed up makeup because of how much she was crying. She couldn't help it. She could barely believe it.


They partied all night, dancing and just yelling and celebrating. She didn't touch a single drop of alcohol all night, but she was soring on her own happiness. Jake was making his way around, talking to all the various people there, the staff, the siblings, the friends, and the random people who no one really knew but were there to party. No matter, though, he always found her periodically, just to check in and hug her again, like he couldn't believe it was happening either.

She danced with her sister, yelled and screamed with the players, celebrated with the siblings she recognized. She let herself get lost in the people and music around her. Every year they wish for the same thing in regards to hockey, and that wish came true this year. She would be in awe for the rest of the year, but right now was the time to celebrate.

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