Chapter 14: Was This All Fake?

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Rose thought she had an idea of how this night was going to go. Eat some food, avoid some backdoor comments from other guests and Rachel, maybe pretend to flirt with Leo a little bit, then go home at the ripe time of 10 pm.

Sitting in a cold parking lot in the middle of Oakgrad, helping her best friend ice his jaw because her other friend punched him was not part of that plan, and she hated when things didn't go to plan. She did not have time for this. She needed to get home; it was a school night. She also couldn't say that Leo did not deserve the punch, but either way, this situation is less than ideal.

Leo groaned as he readjusted the ice on his face then grunted. "This is bullshit."

"Which part, the fact that we got kicked out of the restaurant, or the fact that you were flirting with someone else when it was your freaking idea to fake date!" Rose pointed out. "What the hell, what were you thinking?"

"That your jealous not-boyfriend wouldn't punch me out for kissing his not-girlfriend?" Leo shot back. "Fuck Rose, she was nice. I was just talking to her, honest. I didn't even realize what it would look like."

"Couldn't you have just asked for her number and text her later at 3 am, 'u up?' like every other dude?" Rose asked.

Leo made a face. "Is that all you think of me?"

"You were talking to Rachel. I don't expect much." She answered, shrugging.

Leo looked even more hurt as he pulled the ice away to inspect it for leaks. "I am not like that, and it was never like that with Rachel, you know that."

"How would I, Leo?" She snapped back. "I haven't spoken to you in 3 years."

That was a low blow, especially when he was already in pain. However, right now, she was cold, hurt, embarrassed and frustrated. Now was not the time to explain to her that the only reason he did not sleep with Rachel was that she asked him not to.


Rose sighed to herself. She shouldn't have said what she said, looking back at it, but Leo was already grinding away at her nerves. She did not want to deal with this right now. "I am going to go check on Jake, and then we are going home."

Leo continued to pout but nodded, and she stood up.

She walked over to where Jake was icing his hand, inspecting it for any damage.

"How bad?" She asked, walking up to him. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to keep herself warm, but the short dress and the nonexistent material on her arms made it really hard.

"I am happy for you," Jake said instead, ignoring her question and not looking up at her. "I am happy that you and Leo finally worked things out."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Rose frowned and sat beside him.

"You finally figured it out, and I am really glad that Leo felt the same way. I just wish you had told me, instead of kissing him in front of the whole restaurant." Jake gave her a sarcastic smile. "I just thought friends at least told each other kinda big news like that."

Jake finally looked over at her, and his eyes were rimmed red. She couldn't see much in the limited lighting of the parking lot, but it was enough to tell that he had been crying. It made her heart hurt to know that she had done this to him.

"I am not dating Leo." Rose said, taking a deep breath. Better late than never, she guessed.

"Oh, so you just kiss all of your friends?" He rolled his eyes and let out a wet huff.

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