#Naked Truth

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Yoseob can't no longer hold his tears as he look at DuJun swollen face from crying non-stop. Its too painful to think how this person suffer alone trying to protect him and Gayoon.

How selfish he is for avoiding him and give him cold approach all the time since the issue blast out.

How insensetive of him thinking that his the one whose hurting. How stupid of him for not hearing him out everytime he ask for them to talk.

He feel ashame of how he acted all this time. The time when he was needed the most, when the person he loved needed someone to relay on the most.

* * *

Yoseob Oppa"....

Yoseob POV's

I turn around to see who's calling me and I was stunned, the last person who I don't want to see is now standing before me.

"G-Gayoon-ssi? I ask. I shoudn't wonder why she is here. She and us have the same agency. But, I just don't like the feeling with her. I not mad at her it just the timing isn't right.

"Oppa, can we talk? she ask..

I nodded and the next thing I know was I was standing beside her in front of a door, the door that I fully recognize.

I recall our conversation earlier inside her car.


"Oppa, I know I'm insensitive for asking you to have talk with me while the issues is going on. So-

"Gayoon-ssi, if your worried that I'm mad at you, don't worry I'm not. But, you can't blame me if I feel uneasy maybe becuase this sudden changes really different from us. You see, we're been together for 5 years now, so learning about you and our leader relationship through media hurt us a bit. He shoudn't have told us earlier. We know you-

"We're not really dating, Oppa".
Gayoon said looking straight into my eyes. A long silent came between us before my mind digested what she said. Did she just said that " their not really dating?" Or I'm just fooling myself.

"I beg your pardon? I ask not fully understand what she said.

"Dujun Oppa and Me are not really dating, everything is just an act".. She said without looking at me.

I look at her in disbelief. Is she out of her mind or what? An act? Everything?... What does she really mean by it?.. It getting more diffecult to understand...

"Gayoon, I don't really understand what you mean would you mind explain it to me in detailed?

Gayoon let out a heavy sight and look at me. I don't know how to absorbed everything she said, I was just listening to her with blank expression. I don't know how to react on his revelation.

* * * * *

Gayoon POV's

A moment of silent past between Dujun oppa and me. But, I need to say what I came for.

"Oppa, did you talk to him? I ask. Then I saw the pain in his smile which I know he tried to make it natural.

Afterward a tears skip his eyes. Then Oppa broke into tears. I reach him and wipe his tears with my hands.

An able to held myself from the pain I hold him tight. I want to comfort him in any possible way, thought I know I'm not the one he needed right now.

"G-Gayoon, I'm s-sorry for everything. I'm sorry for acting this way. You woudn't have in this situation if I have watched my act more strictly. I brought this to you, I brought this to Seobie. Its all my fault." Oppa said between his sob.

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