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Looking at the latest release KMagazine put layers on DuJun forehead.

Nothing change, his relationship with Gayoon still raging hot topic since the first day they made an announcement about their so called "relationship".

He let out a heavy sight. She must be worried rigt now. He tought. His "girlfriend" worried everytime the Kmagazine make a release becuase the topic about them always in it.

DuJun POV's

I flip my phone off after reading Gayoon's message. She's on her way here in my house. I told her I was fine but still insist to visit me. I look at the KMagazine again and tossed it.

I shoudn't be suprised, though our relationship is not that romanctic like everyone thinks but its also not bad. I could say we understand each other in our own way.

Its been 3 months since the day DuYoon Couple has been born. And that 3 months has been hell for me.

Yang Yoseobie won't talk to me, he keep avoiding. Everytime I try to be alone with him, I can't becuase the media watch my every move. And after the issue come out Seobie give me cold approach.

I try to reason out with him but he won't talk to me. The last thing he said to me is "Dujun-ah, let's end this".

That words hunt me for the past 3 months until now.

"Seobi~ah, I missed you" I said to my mind and close my eyes.


Gayoon POV's

I suppose to be the happiess women in the world right becuase the man I loved is with me know.

But why is that I felt so wrong about everything. Everytime the KMagazine make a latest release I should been the happier person reading it but I can't, I coudn't even look at it.

I should be happy becuase for this past 3 months, Dujun oppa cared for me a lot either we're on screen or not, his caring is genuine. But I can't..

He make me laugh and when we're in a date he serve me. Though everything is just temporary he never make me felt like everything is an act. Which I feel guilty all the time.

I remember the first day the issue came out he went to our dressing room and save me from the pool of media.

Then he told "Gayoon-ssi, don't worry I'll protect you".

I was stunned back then I let him drag me away from everyone without complaning.

He always protecting me, our career, then I wonder who's protecting him, who cared for him. Though, I know the answer I tried not to think about it for the first two of our relationship.

But, after seeing him shed tears in silent, I realize his keeping everything inside him.

I had to make it right, I have to give him back. Back to his real happiness, it may hurt a lot for me. But, Dujun Oppa had suffer enough, for past 3 months of having his love I'm contented. I guess?..

Now, there is no backing out. I should put everything to its rightful places. Even its the end of DuYoon..

Before knocking I made a quick glance to the person next to me. Then I let out a heavy sight and push the doorbell.

I was greeted by him, the person that I wish atleast to be happy.

              * * * * * * * *

Dujun seat across the couch where Gayoon his girlfrind seat. He tried to act natural because he know that this girl will defintely going to be worried.

Moment of silent past when Gayoon suddenly talk and broke the silent startling DuJun who was in a deep thought.

"Oppa, did you talk to him? Gayoon ask caused DuJun to smile painfully.

For that simple question DuJun's act was ruind. A tears skip his eyes that made Gayoon to approach him and dried his tears. Then all his worries was out.

2 hours later....

Gayoon took a last look at the building where her "boyfriend" live.

After saying what she want to say she left him together with the person whom she know he needed the most.

She woudn't lie to herself it hurt a lot. She went inside her car and cried, to atleat ease the pain inside her. After crying her heart out she called out her groupmates and their manager. This time it her turn to protect him.

"DuJun Oppa, Thank you for the love though it not meant to me. Now, it your time to be happy and its my turn to protect the two of you".

She said and drove away.

Author's Note;

DuSeob (*DuYoon) 2nd done.! To all DuSeob shippers out there I hope you'll like it.;D Thought this chapt focus on DuJun Oppa and Gayoon-ssi. But please understand, this is just a part of DuSeon love story . ;) ..

As I always say sorry for some wrong grammars and typos you may read. I'm still working on it. ^_^

So, guys if you don't mind, please leave a comment after you read my stories I really gonna appreciate it. Either its negative or positive I'll accept it.

Your comment is a great help for me to know how to improve my skills more in making stories.

Thank You a lot.. :)

So, BEAST!! 4ever.

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