The Joker & His 4D

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Junhyung busy playing with his phone while thinking some lyrics to write. After DuJun announce that they're given a time to have a vacation by the CUBE agency, he automatically refuse the offer and decide to stay.

He need personal space to be alone in his studio to come up with something new for their next album.

When he said "ALONE" means no one will bother him. But what is this? He was at his studio with their 4D prince.

"HyunSeung-ah, why are you here ? Junhyung ask to the sleeping 4D prince who didn't even flinch.

JunHyung's POV

"Hmmm~ Humming one of the techniques that I tried to create a lyrics in my mind.

Doing this while being alone is really the best. My partner in crime known as bigmadboi on his IG was also out in a vacation.

I wonder what those Kids had been doing right now? I'm sure GiKwang has been scolding Dongwoon. And maybe Yoseob and Dujun had been catching things up.

And Hyun-

*Knock *Knock

-SEUNG was here knocking in my door. Hyunseung?!

* * *

I look at the sleeping person with a girly face in my couch. After invading my peacefull time to be alone, here he is sleeping with no worries.

But I'm glad, becuase HyunSeung sleeping is better than having him awake.When his fully awake his sense of humor was just, you know,out of this world.

After seeing him outside my door earlier,I already kiss goodbye to my sanity. The moment he step into the studio, I was destructed, his curiosity has no limit.

"HyunSeung-ah, why are you here ? I ask to the sleeping 4D prince who didn't even flinch.

I continue looking at him, how wish i could sleep like that. Agh, I should focus on my work. I say to myself.

A moment past and still no lyrics come up in mind. I listened to my mp3 to gain something when my stomach suddenly made a sound.

"Oh, what time is it now? " I said and look at my watch. Its already 2pm and I still didn't have a lunch, no wonder my stomach was in rage.

I look at Hyunseung. I was worried to left him alone. What if he wakes up then start his curiosity mode. Aghh. I took my phone and made an order. .

After 20 minutes the food was here. I place the food and the table. Men I'm really hungry. I look at hyunseung again still sleeping. I wonder if he had lunch yet.

HyunSeung's POV

I turn off the T.V then lay on my back, I'm bored...

I should have gone with them. Aghh how I regret it. But, I'm too tired to travel.

This past few days is a total mess, Reporters always roaming around asking about DuJun's Issue.

I can't even go to convenience store or any place becuase of them. There worst than stalker.

I twist and turn. I took my phone and started looking for someone to accompany me, when I suddenly remebered something.


"Hyung !Why aren't you coming? DongWoon shouted from the other line.
"I'm s-sorry DongWoonee , but I'm too tired to travel right now. Beside I'm not having enough sleep lately. So, I'm really sleepy, I said while moaning when I heared DuJu's voice.

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