Confession & First Kiss ?

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Gi Kwang POV's

I was marching towards the direction of the dressing when I saw someone,.it was no other than Hyunseungie.

"Oh! Hyunseung-ah?! I called. Walking closer to him.

"Oh, GiKwang-ah, your here", he said.

"Yah, where have you been and what with the hair? Did you know JunHyungie has been looking for you", I ask him. He showed me what his holding , it was coffee and cola.

We got inside the dressing room and Hyunseung explained where his been and why his hair looks like it been blown by strong wind.

"Why didn't you asks some hyungs to accompany you and besides in all things you forgot why the mask? You know we're was strictly advise to wear it when we go out right?, your really hopeless", I said to him drinking the coffee he give me.

"But, thanks to the coffee I really need it", I said looking at the positive side.

"Your welcome, I know you all need that except JunHyungie because we all know that he only drink Cola to quinch his thirst. But honestly, I plan to ask someone to accompany me but I saw everyone was too busy and I don't want to bother them, so I went by myself, it just that I forgot to wear a mask", Hyunseung explained to me.

A moment later Junhyung and Woonie came in.

And the moment Junhyungie saw us, he explode. He scolded Hyunseung for leaving without words and more.

While I, was staring at Woonie who's busy watching the two.

I was curious why his acting weird and the worst thing is, his just acting like that when I'm around.

Whats up, hyung how was your shoot? Woonie aks. He was smiling but I know his just trying.

"Yah, Wooni, are you really okay? You know you've been acting weird. And it giving me this uneasy feeling. Did I do something for you to act like that when I'm around?? I asks him straight.

I really don't like the feeling that Woonie is acting this way, its bugs me. I care for Woonie, I don't how much but I hate to see him like this.

I somehow felt guilty that I may have done something that made him uneasy with me around.

"Ani, Hyung, you didn't done wrong. Don't think like that, I'm totally fine, see?" he assured but it was obviously just trying to make me feel like everything is fine.

"You sure? I asks again.

"Nea, 100% okay ", he said, trying to act cheerful to make me feel ateast.

I continue staring at him. Yoseobi and Du Jun they we're both laughing while looking at their cellphones.

The may have doing selca again no other answer, cause they both classmates in that subject.

"Oh, Coffee, good timing", Yoseob said grabing a coffee and took a selca. Also Du Jun took the last coffee.

All member of BEAST are here. Having fun with each other. JunHyung was discussing something to HyunSeung then Du Jun and Yosebio continue with their selca addiction, while Dong Woon and me is like in awkward situation.

"Argh, I can't take this! I said making them look at me.

"Gi Kwnga-ah what wrong?, Du Jun asks.

But, instead of facing him, I face Woonie, I had to say my thought or I'll can't get over it. I thought to myself.

"Hyung? Woonie asks with nervous on his voice.

"Son Dong Woon, I don't know why your acting weird this day.

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