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"Realizing the love they have for one another, the Boys continued their journey to the top.

But this time they are not trouble anymore because their hearts are now connected to one another.


* * * *

DuJun :,"DongWoon-ah, what are you still doing aren't you going to come?

DongWoon: "I'm coming Hyung".

GiKwang : "Yahh, What keeping you so long?

YoSeob : "So, did you found your phone?

DongWoon: "Ah No, I forgot. Wait where did I put it?...

HyunSeung: "DongWoon-ah isn't that your phone your holding right now?

DongWoon: "Ah, Yes, Sorry I forgot, I already found my phone Hyung" :P

JunHyung: "Wah, and I Thought HyunSeung was ths only 4D here.

DuJun : "We're all good then. So let's get going"

* * *

Inside the Van...

"By the way, DongWoon-ah what keep you so long ? You took almost half an hour in your room you know." :\ GiKwang.

"Actually, I'm really searching for my phone Hyung but my attention got caught by this book".

Dongwoon said showing the book he found in his room.

"Ok, But is that book really good and you forgot that we have T.V guesting that we need to go to? :!

"I don't know hyung. Actually this book is made by a B2uty about us.

Hearing those words the BEAST boys direct their attention to it.

"Wait, are you saying a B2uty made a book about us? DuJun said. ^o^

"Wow, our B2uties are really talented" Yoseob said.

"What is it all about then? HyunSeung said.

"W-well, it about those stories about couple? DongWoon said with shyness tone.

"Let me guess is that about those Bromance things? JunHyung said raising one eyebrow...

"Yes, just like that Hyung..

"Wait what bromance things your talking about JunHyungee? HyunSeung said leaning closer his face to JunHyungee..

"Yahh, don't get too close HyunSeung-ah its weird" JunHyung said pushing HyunSeung away from him..

"It kind a love story then, but why us? DuJun ask.

"Babo Dujun of course our fan made it, it obvious we're the main cast in there and as JunHyung said it bromance.. :P ".. Yoseob said.

"By the way what is Bromance? GiKwang ask made everyone look at each other..

"Hyung haven't you read any fictional stories in the internet?? DongWoon ask.

"I don't, why?

"Seriously ?? Even though you always surf almost everyday ?? JunHyung said raising his eyebrow.

"Yahh, I'm just checking updates about us ok, I don't read fictional stories or whatsoever." GiKwang said.

"But seriously you haven't heared what bromance means? Junhyung follow up..

"You know what just give me that book and I'll read it myself >..< " Gikwang said grabing the book from DongWoon's hand.

"What kind of story this-- GiKwang stop mumbling as he read the story.

DuJun and Yoseob continue battling why fans made a bromance about them.

While JunHyung and HyunSeung still arguing of the distance issue ;D

DongWoon look at GiKwang who's now turning red.. He just smile at his Hyung that so into reading the book. :P

Now GiKwang know what bromance means. =]

* * * * * *

Finally, I'm done..

Credit to the following for the pictures & GIF I've use in the story;

Beast FanPage
KiWoon FanPage
DuSeob FanPage
JunSeung FanPage

Thank you guys for reading my first and last BEAST fiction story despite the typos. This story was the first Story I've complete in this site, I feel so happy and sad. Though it took me so long and this Group no longer works as a whole I still loved them all from the bottom of my heart.

As a their fan it was heartbreaking. From 6 to 5 and from 5 to 4, still I'll continue to support them in my lifetime.

I hope you'll also check out my other FF and look forward to my future FF also. I'll try my very best to improve my creativity and imagination for guys.

Saranghae Chingudeol!!

So BEAST 4ever !!!

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