Hahaha dont do it

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So er while walking home there was three bogan boys ahead of my sister and I, we guessed they were grade 8, so well first they broke off a pole from the fence, it was one of those wire fences that need metal poles to keep them up yeah they broke a metal pole off where the fence was broken a bit, I was gonna get a pic but I didn't, next they walked over to a tree, it was a bit shaped like a \/ and they pushed and pulled on one side until half of it broke of so the tree now looks like this / yeah, that I took a photo of, the photo will be in the media, so they saw me taking the pic and I over heard the one that broke it say "they're taking a photo of the tree" we ignored them until two of the three walked over to the cliff and the tree one stayed behind "why did you take a pic of the gay tree" he yelled, we ignored him, "I asked you a question" he yelled, we stilled ignored him, I had my phone out to try and get a photo of them, " you better not be videoing us" ,huh I never thought of that, "if your videoing us I will through these rocks at you" he yelled, still ignoring him I zoned out, he started threatening us and I flipped him the bird, the last I heard of them was when they through the pole of the cliff and the last o saw of them was when the tree one walked over to his friends.

Yep that happened, I don't wanna go to school,


Is it bad that I hope they fell of the cliff

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