
19 1 1

Me: *evil laugh* MWAHAHAHA

random: should I ask?

Me: yes

Random: ok, why are you evilly laughing

Me: because in my hand is a bag, in this bag of mine is some chocolates

Random: what's wrong with that, oh gosh are they poison *<note the sarcasm<*

Me: *rolls eyes* no, there are two types of chocolates in my paper bag, m'n'm's and.... SMARTIES

Random: *gasps* gasp, YOU MONSTER,


It was so hard (ha that's what she said, sorry had to) *ignoring brackets and continuing* not to eat all the chocolates long enough for me to take a good picture.

#dying sorry I can't stop laughing! CURSE YOU DURTY MIND, why did I have to write that bracket, I'm sorry if I ruined your insolent mind, I should probably write warnings.

Wait isn't it skittles and m'n'm's that are evil, oh well.

#NoHate #HatersBackOff

Bye <3

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