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Pie: babe we should plan it now

Me: great idea your the smartest

Pie: awww thanks but you know your like ten million times smarter then me

Me: your so sweet. Now where should it be

Pie: the la-loo lake

Me: perfect, just like you, now I was thinking to have it in a week or so!

Pie: next Thursday?

Me: yep

Pie: brides maids?

Me: how many?

Pie: three

Me: easy Safa Nini and Lilly! best man?

Pie: Dean Winchester

Me: so what else


I had to stop there i couldn't be bothered to write the whole planning. Now did you like my little Supernatural reference. I will probably do lots of references.

So mistress_misty and TrueBro1 your gonna be my brides mades. How awesome is that. You should so go check those two out they are so amazing.

Bye <3

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