Go follow

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This chapter is gonna be some people I think you should go follow,

Go follow awesome-girl101 because she is utterly awesome, as you should of been able to guess from her name, not just is she awesome she is a fangirl, so go follow her!

Go follow BriannonCrole because she is really nice!

Go follow FandomRose00 because she's my sister.

Go follow harmonie102 cause you can!

Go follow lillyr2002 because she is just epic and her books are cool and she's nice!

Go follow Marty_Mcfly_Timmins because good books and fandoms!

Go follow TrueBro1 because she is amazing she writes good, make that really good books and she is nice!

Go follow writing-gurl

Also go follow melrg890 and PrincessofAsgard- and Skelenton because they are fangirls, and SufferBeautifully and theCuppedCake because they write good books, I think I've forgot people but any way that's enough. I'm wondering why @writing-gurl isn't working, hmmm.

EDIT: yay I got it to work


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