The dress

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Me: *at wedding dress shop* wow they are all so pretty

Worker: hello do you need any help

Me: um yes please me and my husband are getting married next weak and I need a dress. Since we are both very unique we decided his suit black and my dress blue, purple or black but all I can see is white

Worker: follow me *walks to another room*

Me: arrg effort *follows worker*

Worker: I would advise a blue or black dress an also you loony to young to be getting married

Me: don't worry it's only to pie. He is the love of my life

Worker: wait is it a guy called pie, the food or the math?

Me: the food, duh!

Worker: um ok er good bye *backs away slowly*

Me: *tries on perfect blue dress that goes down to ankles and has a black ribbon going diagonally down wards on hip and to the front left it has a bow in the ribbon* perfect

Me: *buys dress*


And still not tired. The wedding is soon

Bye <3

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